Xun Zi (313 B. C.~238 B. C.), whose given name was Kuang and courtesy name Qing, was born in the State of Zhao and was a key figure in the Confucius school.
When studying in the State of Qi, he became one of the celebrated scholars at the Jixia Academy.
In his late years, he dedicated himself in teaching disciples and writing books, one of which is Xun Zi, an epitome of his thoughts.
Politically, he inherited the Confucian thought of li (rites) and considers li as not merely a moral standard but a necessity of governing the country.
He also called upon the practice of the “royal regulations" which emphasizes li and fa (standards ): the purpose of li is to educate while that of fa is to rule. The practice of them combined means to restrain the evil in human nature.
A strong critic to Mencius' claim that human beings are good by nature, Xun Zi held that human beings are born evil but they are perfectible through education.
在人性理论上,苟子持“性恶论”,他猛烈抨击孟子的“性善论”,主张性伪之分,把人性区分为自然之性和道德之性。自然之性与生俱来,称之为性; 道德之性受后天教育熏习而成,称之为伪(伪就是人为的意思)。
He believed that people are born with a conflicting mixture of desires that if allowed unfettered, would lead to disaster. It is only through the imposition of li and fa that these desires can be well channeled.
Therefore, Xun Zi valued moralization and education so much that the very first chapter of Xun Zi was named “Encouraging Learning”.
On nature, Xun Zi held that the change of the natural world is under the control of objective laws, which have no relations with humanity. He rejected the thought of the existence of a correspondence between human and the universe. This, in fact, leads to the denial of an allegation that royal power is bestowed by the divinity.
Furthermore, Xun Zi believed that even human beings are the products of nature: born first is the physical body, from which spiritual functions are derived.
On the other hand, he affirmed the dominant and positive power of human beings in nature and put forward the thought of “controlling fatality and making use of it".