日期:2015-10-09 17:40


Inspired by his accumulated concern for his mother, 17-year-old from Jane and Finch builds working heart rate alert device.


Frank Nguyen wasn’t like most kids. When he went to school, his heart stayed at home. That’s where his mother was.

Frank Nguyen和大多数孩子不一样,去上学后,他的心却在家里,因为妈妈在家。

He couldn’t stop worrying about her. In Grade 6 he confessed that he was distracted by the clock on the wall in his classroom. He’d keep looking at it to see the time, and he’d burn to know whether she was all right.


“My mom started getting really sick,” Frank recalled. “I’d be scared she would have problems and I didn’t know about it.”

“我妈妈生了重病,” Frank回忆道,“我害怕,她出了事情我却不知道。”

The disquiet trailed him for years. Now he’s 17 and she’s blind in one eye, partially sighted in the other, and has trouble hearing. She’s also prone to bouts of dizziness, has thyroid issues, and was recently referred to a cardiologist for an irregular heartbeat.



But Frank has big plans.


Inspired by his accumulated concern for his mother, who is 60 and named Lan, Frank poured himself into a summer project at a special tech camp at Ryerson University. Now he has a prototype of a working heart rate alert device that he hopes will one day launch a start up business. Called the HelpWear HeartWatch, the blocky yellow contraption sits on the wrist and uses a light and censor to track the heart rate. In the event of a heart attack, it is programmed to send a text message to a loved one or emergency services.


That means no more worrying in the dark.


“I had an idea of trying to make something that could help her, but it wasn’t until this year, when her doctor said her heart sounded kind of weird … That’s when the idea of a heart monitor came up,” said Frank. “You just hear a lot of statistics about people dying of heart attacks. It’s really scary.”



  • proneadj. 俯卧的,易于 ... 的,有 ... 倾向的
  • inspiredadj. 有创见的,有灵感的
  • dizzinessn. 头昏眼花,眩晕
  • frankadj. 坦白的,直率的,真诚的 vt. 免费邮寄,使自
  • prototypen. 原型,雏形
  • alertadj. 警觉的,灵敏的 n. 警戒,警报 vt. 警惕
  • cardiologistn. 心脏病学家;心脏病科医师
  • devicen. 装置,设计,策略,设备
  • partiallyadv. 部份地,一部份地,不公平地
  • irregularn. 不合规格之物 adj. 不规则的,不整齐的,不合法