I have just received an email from my employer, a financial services company, on its new “outcome-based” dress code: “As part of our drive to be a Winning Organisation? This means informality, openness and a lack of hierarchy in our business attire. In keeping with a solutions organisation, it is outcome-based。” Can I continue to work somewhere that sends me such cretinous nonsense? And if so, what should I wear?
我刚刚收到我的东家(一家金融服务公司)发来的电子邮件,内容是关于公司新的“基于结果的”着装规定:“作为我们成为一家“成功组织”(Winning Organisation)事业的一部分……这意味着我们在上班时间穿着的服装需体现非正式性、开放性和无等级性。为了符合解决方案提供者的身份,工作着装要基于结果。”我还能继续在一个给我发这种白痴废话的地方工作吗?如果能的话,我到底应该穿什么呢?
Investment director, male, 35
Lucy’s answer
Your second question — what should you wear? — is of no interest to me and ought not to be to you.
You know perfectly well what to wear. You have had well over a decade’s practice of getting dressed for the office. You can see what clients and colleagues are wearing, you know what you are comfortable in, and so there is no need to ponder the matter any further.
Your first question is of much greater interest. It is profound and touches all of us who work in large corporations. The question is whether one should work for a company that spouts cretinous drivel. And the answer is, it depends.
All organisations, from time to time, spout drivel. To be on the receiving end is depressing and vaguely demeaning.
But whether you should consider leaving depends on four things: the frequency of the drivel; your proximity to it; how seriously it is taken by others and, most crucially, whether you have to pretend to take it seriously yourself.
The most usual sort of drivel is intermittent, comes from someone distant, usually in HR, and is routinely ignored by all. This sort is not only easy to live with, it is vaguely bonding as it enables you to have a cynical laugh with your workmates.
At the opposite extreme, there is a cascade of drivel that starts with the CEO and flows down through everyone in the organisation. Everyone has to listen and follow, and those that refuse to do so get shunted to the side.
Does your organisation actually believe its “values”? Is it really trying to “live and breathe” them? I have a nasty feeling that this might be the case. It sounds as if everyone has been told they will be judged according to how seriously they take the “Winning Organisation” claptrap — with the result that some bright spark has had the genius idea of applying it to the dress code. This is bad, but still liveable with if no action was expected from you and you could just laugh about it.
The thing that makes me worried is that you sent the problem to me. This suggests you had to go to an outsider to complain. But worst of all, the fact that you are even considering — even if only ironically — complying with something so brainless as an “outcome-based” dress code makes me fear it might be time for you to go somewhere that takes drivel less seriously.