Blonde bombshells like Marilyn Monroe used to be regarded as the ultimate fantasy but now, according to a new survey, men are opting for edgy brunettes instead.
Dating website Match.com has released a set of findings gathered from their members, begging that age old question, what do men and women find most attractive about each other?
Instead of the stereotypical Scandinavian blonde look, men are now demonstrating a preference for long brown locks, although blue eyes are still top of their list.
With caring qualities also top of the list, the survey revealed that a profession as a doctor is most appealing among the male masses.
Pairing brains with beauty, male members of the service said that their ideal woman also likes to go swimming to ensure her physique is toned and fit.
And when she’s not busy playing with her stethoscope or splashing around in the pool this lady also makes time for her naughtier side, inking tattoos on concealed body parts.
According to this research celebrities like Sienna Miller, Cameron Diaz and Blake Lively are not in the wishlist any more and instead Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie and Zooey Deschanel fit the bill.
根据这项调查,西耶娜·米勒(Sienna Miller)、卡梅隆·迪亚茨(Cameron Diaz)以及布莱克·莱弗利(Blake Lively )等明星已不在男人们的愿望清单上,而梅根·福克斯(Megan Fox)、安吉丽娜·茱莉(Angelina Jolie)以及佐伊·丹斯切尔(Zooey Deschanel)则满足了男人们的要求。
The verdict for men was equally surprising as women don’t want chiselled abs like Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds, they’d rather see a relaxed dad bod under the car bonnet.
女性心目中的男神形象同样令人称奇,比起像瑞恩·高斯林(Ryan Gosling)或莱恩·雷诺斯(Ryan Reynolds)那样拥有轮廓鲜明的腹肌的男性,她们更愿意对方衣服下面是松弛的老爸身材。
Women too prefer brown hair and blue eyes, but men need to remember to keep it short. Longer locks like Johnny Depp, Jared Leto or Colin Farrell are a big no with the ladies.
女性也钟意拥有褐色头发和蓝眼睛的男性,但男性得记住,别让头发太长。像约翰尼·德普(Johnny Depp)与杰瑞德·莱托(Jared Leto)那样的长发男性完全不是女生的菜。
The survey didn’t however specify about the beard which, paired with a chunky knit cardigan, has become a popular look with celebrities like Chris Hemsworth, Kit Harington and Jake Gyllenhaal.
克里斯·海姆斯沃斯(Chris Hemsworth)、基特·哈灵顿(Kit Harington)以及杰克·吉伦哈尔(Jake Gyllenhaal)等明星最近大爱蓄须搭配厚实针织衫的造型,不过该调查并未具体说明女性喜不喜欢这种样子。
Women also expressed a preference for a suited and booted type, who works in an office and spends his free time with his dog. (Legend star Tom Hardy has got it right posing for pictures with pooches).
女性们还表示,她们还喜欢衣着时尚得体、在办公室工作、业余时间会陪伴狗狗的男士。(出演《黑帮传奇》的明星汤姆·哈迪(Tom Hardy)跟小狗的合照正好迎合了上述心理。)
This research is limited to the UK.