6.Recycled Bottles Divider
Despite their growing global presence and epic partnerships, TerraCycle is unsurprisingly still down to earth – and we mean down. Employees recently put their quirky upcycled designs to use by renovating their entire Trenton, New Jersey offices with waste material. Mountains of vinyl records, juice boxes, water bottles, and even bowling lanes became desks, dividers, lamps, and conference room tables.
7.Airplane Fuselage Divider
A section of airplane fuselage is pretty much useless on its own. Add a desk and it becomes a stylish aluminum alloy partition that also happens to be extremely tough and durable.
8.Office Supplies Space Divider
Radford Wallis created these creative room dividers that look like oversized office supplies. The project was commissioned by a Land Securities property developer who wanted to creatively divide his large office space in London into four sections.
Radford Wallis创造了这些如同巨大办公用品的房间隔板。这个项目由土地证券公司Land Securities的地产开发商委托,他想要将自己伦敦的这间巨大办公室十分有创意地分隔成四个区域。
9.Tree Dividers
"The Tree" is an office space divider designed by Eero Aarnio. A piece of art as well as a practical space divider, it represents a design that is characteristic of Eero Aarnio, in which art meets functionality.
这些办公室的“树木”屏风由Eero Aarnio设计。它们既是美妙的艺术品,又是实用的隔离屏风。它们充分体现了Eero Aarnio的设计风格,即将艺术性与功能性完美结合。
10.Ecofriendly Space Divider Concept
With an eco-friendly concept in mind, designers Jinsun Park and Seonkeun Park designed the Breathing Partition Stand. It features an exclusive area to place plants while acting as a divider between work spaces and comes with an automatic watering system.
时刻考虑着环保型理念的设计师Jinsun Park和Seonkeun Park设计出了这款“可呼吸的站立隔间”。它的特点即是,作为办公区域隔间的同时,有一个专门的区域用来放置植物,并且自带自动灌水系统。
翻译:李莹 来源:前十网