Toothbrushes have a bad tendency to stray too close to the toilet seat. Even at the furthest point in the bathroom from the toilet seat, a toothbrush typically wont be more than 4 feet away. Because of this, whenever a toilet is flushed, airborne feces particles get propelled up to 6 feet in distance, according to Chuck Gerba, PhD, professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona. Additionally, toothbrushes on average contain around 10 million microbes, such as germs like influenza viruses, herpes, and even bacteria that can lead to gum disease and cavities. Another reason that makes toothbrushes dirtier than toilets is that the food bacteria can last for days, serving a perfect breeding ground for the microbes. In order to best limit these bacteria particles from harboring on the toothbrush, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse and disinfect toothbrushes often, as well as buying a replacement toothbrush every few years or so. Therefore, toothbrushes come in at number five on this top ten list.
4.Television Remotes
If you've stayed in a hotel room, you've probably held a television remote that had been held hundreds of times before you. Through a study by Katie Kirsch of the University of Houston, Kirsch and her team found that television remotes in hotels had an average of 67.6 colony-forming units of bacteria per square centimeter. These findings also proved to suggest that housekeepers and hotel maids spend only around 30 minutes per room in a typical shift, often neglecting to clean common items like remote controls. Even when they do clean items like remote controls, room cleaners often spend too little amount of time disinfecting to completely kill off the remaining bacteria growing on the remote. As a result, there is a significant risk for microbial contamination in hotel rooms, as well as spreading the bacteria to a home or office. Television remotes are therefore number four on this top ten list.
After ten years of use of a mattress, it has been shown that old mattresses will weigh more than twice the weight of what it was when it was first purchased. The reason? Dust mites and dead skin cells, in addition to bacteria and germs get buried deep into the mattress gradually over time. According to a new study conducted by Check Safety First, it was found that hotel beds are used by thousands of travelers and are never cleaned or disinfected after the high level of use. They reported that often hotels will only change and clean bed sheets and pillow covers, and leave everything else the same. Additionally, hotels often purchase reconditioned mattresses in an effort to save money. These mattresses, however, are often filled with high amounts of dust and flakes of skin, leading to illnesses not even a toilet seat would have. These combined reasons make bed mattresses number three on the list.
事实表明,用过十年的旧床垫要比刚买的时候重两倍多。为什么?且听小编给你扫扫盲,这是因为经过长时间的使用,床垫里积聚了大量的尘螨和死皮,还有一些寄生的病菌和细菌。根据“安旅网”(Check Safety First,全球第一也是唯一一个提供酒店安全性搜索的网站,其网站上的注册酒店均满足相应安全标准,旨在确保旅客居住安全——译者注)的一项调查,酒店虽然有成千上万的高频居住人次,可是却从未对客房的床垫进行过清洗或消毒。该网站报道称,酒店一般只会更换和清洗床单及枕套,而其他床上用品通常不会进行处理。再来,酒店常常为了省钱,购置的还都是翻新的旧床垫,这些床垫原来就已经积聚了大量的灰尘和死皮,很容易引发疾病。不过坐便器可没人买二手的,不会有这样的顾虑。所以,基于以上多重原因,床垫“荣升”榜单第三位。
In a study by Dr. Ron Cutler of the University of London, the biomedical scientist found that out of 200 bills of currency, 26 of the notes contained significant levels and concentrations of bacteria. Additionally, bacteria such as E. coli was discovered, along with Staphyloccus aurenus. Even more concerning, nearly 80 percent of the bank notes used in the study contained some traces of bacteria on them, significantly increasing the potential for ailments and sicknesses. If that wasn't enough, a study from the Melbourne's Public Defender office discovered that a single note of currency had bacteria levels that were 6.4 times greater than readings from restrooms, leading money to be dirtier than toilets. For this reason, money got number two on the list.
在伦敦大学罗恩·卡特勒博士(Dr. Ron Cutler)带头开展的一项调查中,生物医学科学家们经过研究发现,在被检测的200张钞票中,有26张都含有极高浓度的细菌,而且还检测出了大肠杆菌和金黄色酿脓葡萄球菌。更加值得关注的是,研究中有几近百分之八十的被测纸币上都携带有细菌,从而很大程度上增加了生病的风险。要是这还不足以说服你,再看看下边这个数据。墨尔本公共防卫办公室调查发现,一枚纸币上所含的细菌量是洗手间里杂志上的6.4倍,这也就意味着钱要比厕所脏得多。因此,我们将钞票列至榜单第二位。
1.Kitchen Sponges
The first place spot on this list belongs to the common household kitchen sponge. According to Roxanne B. Sukol, a medical director of the Cleveland Clinic's Wellness Enterprise, kitchen sponges can contain as much as 10 million individual bacteria organisms per square inch of sponge. In other words, a kitchen sponge can be as much as 200,000 times dirtier than the surface of most toilet seats. The main reason why sponges are dirtier than toilet seats is due to the fact that the sponges are used to clean off food particles from unclean kitchen dishes. However, when the food particles are removed, they tend to stay attached to the sponges, festering bacteria and spreading the organisms to clean dishes. It is therefore best to replace and clean sponges thoroughly before use, decreasing the spread of germs and preventing future illnesses. As a result, kitchen sponges are the number one dirtiest items compared to a toilet seat.
翻译:毛志遥 来源:前十网