Tokyo endured fresh embarrassment over its preparations for the 2020 Olympic Games yesterday when the organising committee said it would scrap the logos it unveiled only a few weeks ago.
Since the twin emblems for the Olympics and Paralympics were revealed on July 24, their creator, Kenjiro Sano, has been besieged with allegations that he copied the design from a theatre in the Belgian city of Liege.
自7月24日公布2020年夏季奥运会和残奥会会徽以来,设计者佐野研二郎(Kenjiro Sano)一直面临指控,称其抄袭了比利时列日市一剧场的设计。
In the face of Mr Sano’s repeated denials of plagiarism, Olivier Debie, the Belgian designer, filed a lawsuit against the International Olympic Committee demanding the emblem not be used.
面对佐野研二郎多次否认剽窃,比利时设计师奥利维尔德比(Olivier Debie)起诉国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee),要求其不要使用该标识。
The decision to scrap the logos, announced after an emergency meeting of the Tokyo Olympic organising committee, comes as Japan is struggling to select a new, cheaper design for the national stadium after those plans were also ordered back to the drawing board by Shinzo Abe, the prime minister.
东京奥组委在召开紧急会议后宣布了取消会徽的决定,此际,日本正努力为其国家奥林匹克体育场遴选新的、成本更低的设计,此前,日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)勒令中止了建造计划。