日期:2015-09-02 09:50


As a modern culture, we tend to put our faith wholeheartedly in doctors. They're the experts, and more often than not we take their advice without question. But what we don't take into account is that many of these doctors either don't have a clue or actively withhold information that could be putting your life in jeopardy. And if you think that sounds sensationalist, take a look at these facts—facts that doctors know about but which they conveniently forget to mention as you sign the bill.

10.Cancer Isn't Always Cancer


The worst possible outcome of a trip to the doctor is a diagnosis of the Big C. We're so terrified of it that even the word is taboo in some places, and the medical community lives by one maxim: early diagnosis. The earlier you find the cancer, the more easily you can treat it. But such enthusiasm can easily lead to false positives, and treating something that isn't there can be dangerous.
一个医生可能犯过的最大错误就是对癌症的误诊。癌症总是令人恐惧的,有些地方甚至忌讳提到这个词,而医疗团队却以一个信条赖以为生:早期诊断。癌症发现得越早,治疗起来就越容易。但这样的热忱却极易导致假阳性错误(false positives),而且对根本不存在的疾病加以治疗是极危险的。
We're not just making that up. Mammograms are famous for misdiagnosing breast cancer, since every little anomaly in the breast can look like a tumor. The most common misdiagnosis is with DCIS, or Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. Despite the "carcinoma" in there, DCIS isn't really cancerous ; only rarely does it turn into cancer, and practically everyone with DCIS survives, no matter what kind of treatment they get.But when doctors quote cancer statistics, they usually lump in DCIS, which now accounts for about 30 percent of breast cancer "cases" in the US. And when faced with that option, most people choose to undergo "needless and sometimes disfiguring and harmful treatments" to get rid of something that, statistically, will do less harm than the treatments themselves.

9.Some Vaccines Fail


In 2012, the US saw the worst outbreak of whooping cough since 1955. And that's strange, considering that we've been vaccinating against it for over 50 years. Whooping cough is caused by two types of bacteria, Bordatella pertussis and Bortatella parapertussis, but the vaccine—the DTaP—is only designed to fight the first one, B. Pertussis. Which doesn't seem too bad. Getting rid of half the problem is better than doing nothing, right?
2012年,美国出现自1955年以来最严重的百日咳疫情。考虑到我们已经使用百日咳疫苗长达50年,因此这次百日咳疫情的爆发相当奇怪。百日咳有两种病原菌,即百日咳博多氏杆菌和副百日咳博多氏杆菌,但百日咳疫苗——DTaP 疫苗——却只针对百日咳博多氏杆菌这一种病原菌。这似乎也并不坏。能对抗一种病原菌总比什么都不做要好,是这样吗?
Not quite. In all these years of exclusively pounding away at one of the causes, the second type of bacteria has been flourishing, to the point that receiving the vaccine causes B. parapertussis lung infections to grow 40 times as large as they would normally. And recently, the vaccine has also been less effective on the things it's actually supposed to treat. In 2011, the CDC nearly doubled their recommendations for the vaccine, saying you need three initial shots of DTaP followed by three additional shots if you expect it to work. That's because vaccines can actually strengthen viruses. They can't rewire the human genome (and you can dismiss links to autism as alarmist nonsense) but vaccines can stimulate mutations in the viruses they fight. China found that out in the worst possible way when their Hepatitis B vaccines caused the virus to begin mutating twice as fast as it normally would. We've been seeing the same thing happen with the flu virus—vaccines basically just fuel the virus's instinct to survive.

8.Prescription Drugs Can Cause Diabetes


Type 2 diabetes is caused when your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't effectively use all the insulin it makes. The result is a buildup of glucose, or sugar, in the bloodstream, which starts damaging nerves and blood vessels over time. About 2.3 million Americans have type 2 diabetes, and the numbers rise every year.
It turns out that some of the most commonly prescribed drugs, like antidepressants, might be causing it. In 2011, there were 46.7 million prescriptions given out to treat depression in the UK alone. When researchers at the University of Southampton looked at the numbers, they found that people who took two of the most common types of antidepressants, SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants, were twice as likely to develop diabetes. And sure, those findings were released in 2013, but we've known about the link since 2008 and yet millions more are prescribed on a monthly basis.And it gets worse—some of the most common drugs used to treat ADHD in children can triple the risk of type 2 diabetes. More often than not, that's a lifelong condition, and kids don't even get the choice to refuse.

7.Some Medications Increase Cancer Risk


Now that we've assuaged some of your worries about cancer, let's go ahead and kick everything back up again.
Blood pressure medications can almost triple your risk of aggressive breast cancer. In the US alone, about 58.6 million people take medication for high blood pressure, so you'd think the cancer link would be more well-known. The study that discovered this relationship looked at 1,763 women with breast cancer. Those who used a particular type of blood pressure medicine—calcium channel blockers—were 2.5 times more likely to develop cancer. The risk is greater in elderly women over the age of 55, and it likely happens because calcium channel blockers prevent cells from dying. If cells can't complete their normal life cycle, they go rogue and become cancerous.But even that wouldn't be a problem if the medication weren't so grossly over-prescribed. In a review of one hospital, 150 out of 161 doctors prescribed calcium channel blockers to their patients. But how many of those doctors told their patients about the risks? Only eight. That's a potentially deadly lapse in duty.
降压药几乎会使罹患侵袭性乳腺癌的风险增加三倍。单在美国,就约有5860万人服用降压药,因此你可能会以为降压药与癌症的关联应该更为人所熟知。发现降压药与癌症之间关联的研究小组调查了1763个患有乳腺癌的女性。研究表明,那些服用一种特别降压药——钙通道阻滞剂(calcium channel blockers)的女性患上乳腺癌的几率是普通人的2.5倍。55岁以上的老年妇女患上乳腺癌的风险更大,因为钙通道阻滞剂会阻止细胞死亡。而如果细胞不能完成它们正常的生命周期循环,那么这些细胞的活动就会失控,并最终发生癌变。但如果处方药的剂量并非过大的话,那还算不上一个什么大问题。在对一家医院的审查中,我们发现161名医生中就有150名医生为他们的病人开的处方药中含有钙通道阻滞剂。但又有多少医生告诉他们的病人关于此药的风险?仅仅只有八人。那是他们工作中的潜在致命失误。

6.Aspirin Can Cause Internal Bleeding


One of the more common pieces of advice from doctors is that you should take a low dose of aspirin every day. The idea is that it serves as a maintenance treatment to prevent blood clots, which can cause heart attacks and strokes. But what they don't tell you is the small fact that doing so can trigger massive internal bleeding.
Researchers found that, out of 10,000 people, a daily dose of aspirin prevented 46 people from dying over the course of 10 years. But they also found that 49 people out of the same 10,000 experienced major internal bleeding, and another 117 started bleeding in their gastrointestinal tract. So there may be some benefits, but there may be an even higher chance that something will go horribly wrong. On top of that, aspirin doesn't actually work for everyone. Some people have aspirin-resistant platelets, which negates any positive effect you might get from the aspirin. But since we have no way to test for that, doctors never know if they're recommending a dud treatment or not.
研究者发现,每天定期服用一剂阿司匹林的10000人中,有46人能在10年内相安无事。但同时他们也发现,这10000人中有49人患有胃出血,另外还有117人的胃肠道有出血征兆。因此我们不可否认阿司匹林的好处,但同时它也许会使情况变得非常糟糕。除此之外,阿司匹林并不适用于每个人。阿司匹林的抗血小板作用存在个体性差异,一些患者存在阿司匹林抵抗(aspirin resistance),这便使阿司匹林的所有积极效果全被否定。但由于我们没办法对那进行测试,因此就连医生自己也不知道他们正在为患者推荐的治疗药物是否有用。

翻译:李念 来源:前十网
