5.European Spindle Tree
The European spindle tree is a little known plant that provides lots of food for birds and insects. Some of its other uses include the creation of high quality charcoal colors for artists. The tree can be found throughout woodland areas, and is quite beautiful. However, you should never take a bite of a spindle tree's fruits, no matter how tempting. Both the tree and its fruit have purgative capabilities that are used to combat extreme indigestion. A few drops of spindle tree and everything in your stomach has to go! Large doses can result in extreme and excessive stomach pain. Some of the other symptoms of spindle tree poisoning include nausea and diarrhea. So don't ingest more than three seeds unless you're looking to clear your stomach and experience extreme pain!
4.Pangium Edule Fruit
This little known tropical fruit grows from a large tree and is poisonous to humans because of the levels of hydrogen cyanide contained within it. It's rightfully earned the name "the fruit that nauseates." The leaves and seeds, once safely prepared, are enjoyed in a variety of dishes. One way the fruit is eaten is by boiling the seeds without their shells, which are then either soaked in water or buried in banana leaves for months. This allows the cyanide to be released, although the cyanide is often harvested to create poison. Some of the symptoms of pangium edule fruit poisoning include coma, headache, shortness of breath, dizziness, confusion and weakness. Consumption of high levels of pangium edule fruit can result in cardiac arrest or even death.
3.Jatropha Fruit
India and several other countries have reported several cases where both children and adults have been hospitalized after ingesting the jatropha fruit and experiencing symptoms of acute jartopha poisoning. The extreme pain the jatropha fruit can cause is so famous that the fruit has earned the names "purge nut" and "black vomit nut." Upon ingestion, people can experience a burning in the throat, as well as acute abdominal pain. These symptoms are followed by vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Severe symptoms, including cardiovascular collapse and dehydration, can be fatal. Fatal symptoms occur because the jatropha can cause hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. If these symptoms are not treated, severe central nervous system depression can also result.
2.Yew Berry Tree
This tree has gorgeous blood red berries and can be found throughout North America, Europe and parts of the Middle East. The yew tree looks innocent — it's just a typical shrub with green leaves. But while the bright red berries themselves aren't poisonous, the bark, seeds and leaves are known for decimating livestock and can also be deadly to humans. Less severe symptoms of yew berry poisoning include diarrhea, headache, dizziness, muscle weakness, stomach pain, vomiting, trembling and dilated pupils, while the scarier symptoms include extreme difficulty breathing, coma, convulsions, irregular heartbeat and, of course, death.
1.Strychnine Fruit Plant
The strychnine plant is native to Australia and southern Asia. This plant's fruit is so deadly that it's been used to create a poison for centuries throughout the world. The poison is derived from the seeds of the strychnine fruit, and even a tiny amount can cause death. Dried strychnine seeds can cause severe stomach pain, high blood pressure, and cardiac failure. Less severe symptoms include heightened senses of smell, touch, hearing and vision, which have caused the seeds to be abused as a recreational drug.
翻译:漫小飒 来源:前十网