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The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index and the Dow Jones industrial average closed up nearly 4 percent, with the Dow gaining more than 600 points.
标准普尔500指数和道琼斯(Dow Jones)工业平均指数收盘时上涨近4%,道指大涨逾600点。
William C. Dudley, the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, suggested that he thought September might be too soon for an increase in interest rates.
纽约联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)行长威廉·C·达德利(William C. Dudley)表示,他认为9月加息可能为时太早。
Shanghai stocks swung between big losses and gains on Wednesday, closing down 1.3 percent despite rate cuts in China.
Markets in Europe closed with major indexes showing losses of more than 1 percent.
In Depth
The storm that tore through global stock markets for several days appeared to have abated on Wednesday.
Stocks in the United States surged late in the day, with the Dow Jones industrial average jumping more than 600 points after a late afternoon rally.
Investors seemed to react to suggestions from a Federal Reserve official that policy makers may not raise interest rates soon.
With investors still confused and concerned about China’s economy, the second largest in the world after the United States’, the apparent lull may not last. And a resurgence of selling could heighten fears that volatility in financial markets will damp economic recoveries that have started in Europe and gained steam in the United States.
More often than not, though, stock market slides do little collateral damage.
“The stock market has to move a lot — and stay there — to have implications for the U.S. economy,” Mr. Dudley said. “What we’re seeing is not a U.S. problem. This is very different from the financial crisis.”
Officials in Beijing took new steps on Wednesday to bring the stock market to heel, saying they were investigating executives from China’s biggest brokerage firm and had arrested staff members from the country’s stock regulatory agency.
Around Asia, other markets were mixed on Wednesday. Stocks in Japan rebounded 3.2 percent, ending a six-day losing streak.