Cosmic discoveries are important because they expand our understanding of nature and allow us to test reality against our mathematical theories. Here are 10 objects which reach the extremes we need to test the limits of our calculations—and our imaginations.
10.Tiniest Planet
Earlier this year, the Kepler Observatory discovered a star system with three planets, including the smallest expolanet found to date. The Kepler telescope is conveniently located in space, allowing it an unobstructed view to the stars without that pesky atmosphere thing in the way. Dubbed Kepler 37-b, this baby planet is smaller than Mercury and only about 200 kilometers (124 mi) larger in diameter than our own Moon. Unfortunately, it's also sitting uncomfortably close to the threshold that saw Pluto demoted from full-time planet.
One of the few ways astronomers can locate exoplanet candidates is by observing a star and waiting for the light output to dim ever so slightly. This happens when the planet transits across the face of the star, so it's much easier to detect larger bodies. Most of the exoplanets we've found are much larger than Earth, usually around the size of Jupiter. The dimming effect produced by Kepler 37-b would be barely perceptible, which makes the discovery all the more amazing.
9.The Milky Way's Fermi Bubbles
The Milky Way galaxy looks absolutely immense when viewed flat, as we're accustomed to seeing it in illustrations. When viewed edge-on, however, it's underwhelmingly wispy and scrawny looking. Or at least it was, until we looked at it in the extremely short end of the spectrum: X-rays and gamma rays.
The Fermi Bubbles jut out perpendicularly to our galaxy's disc and encompass a length of 50,000 light years, or about half the diameter of the Milky Way. Not even NASA knows for sure where the bubbles came from, but they could be leftover emissions from the supermassive black hole in our galactic core, because gamma radiation is only produced by incredibly energetic events.
Over four billion years ago, the early Solar System was horrible and extremely dangerous, full of planetoids at different points of development. Our cosmic neighborhood was littered with chunks of rock and ice, so collisions were frequent. The largest of these collisions accounts for one of the more popular theories of how our Moon came about. The primordial Earth was impacted by an object about the size of Mars, named Theia. The two bodies met at a very specific angle, and it is believed that the leftover debris coalesced inside Earth's orbit to form what is now the Moon.
Had the impact been slightly more direct, either closer toward the poles or the equator, the results would have been drastically different and the young Earth could have been obliterated completely.
7.Sloan Great Wall
The Sloan Great Wall is mind-bogglingly large and seems absolutely unreal in lieu of the types of size comparisons we humans are accustomed to dealing with. The Great Wall is one of the largest structures in the universe, and is made up of a string of galaxies that stretch for 1.4 billion light years.
It contains hundreds of millions of distinct galaxies, most of which form superclusters within the overall structure. It appears that the clusters have formed in accordance with regions of differing densities that were a direct result of the Big Bang, and are observable in the cosmic microwave background. Some argue that the Sloan Great Wall should not be considered a single structure, due to the fact that not all of the galaxies are gravitationally bound to one another.
6.Tiniest Black Hole
Nothing in the universe inspires as much fear as the mighty black hole. In video game terms it's the "final boss" of the universe. It has enough pull to ensnare light itself, which moves at almost 300,000 kilometers per second (186,000 mi/s). We've seen black holes that are impressively large, at billions of times the mass of our sun, but now for the first time we found one that's impressively puny.
The previous record holder for smallness was still around 14 times the mass of the Sun, which is quite large for our standards. The new kid, IGR, is only about three times as massive as the Sun. IGR comes in at around the bare minimum of mass necessary to cause a star to fall in on itself when it dies. If it was any smaller it would have gone out as our own Sun will, slowly bloating up before shedding its outer layers and most of its material into space.
翻译:高陈影 来源:前十网