Spain's north-eastern city of Tarragona has threatened to use DNA analysis of dog droppings to track down owners who fail to clear up their pet's mess.
西班牙东北部城市塔拉戈纳(Tarragona)扬言要对狗狗的粪便进行DNA分析,以追查不清理自己宠物狗粪便的主人 。
The coastal Mediterranean city would work with a local university to create a DNA database of registered dogs that could be used to identify their owners, said Ivana Martinez, the city's city councillor for public spaces, on news radio Cadena Ser.
塔拉戈纳市公共空间议员伊凡娜•马丁内兹(Ivana Martinez)在接受卡迪纳塞(Cadena Ser)新闻电台采访时表示,这个地中海海滨城市将与当地一所大学合作创建当地注册宠物狗的DNA数据库,这个数据库可以用来确定他们的主人 。
Droppings found on the street or in parks could then be matched through the DNA database to a registered pet, and its owner issued with a fine, she said.
她说,这样一来,街道上和公园里发现的宠物狗粪便可以通过DNA数据库匹配到已注册的宠物狗,从而对主人进行罚款 。
“Right now, unless the police are at the scene at the right moment it is very difficult to know who is breaching the rules,” Martinez said.
马丁内兹说:“目前,除非正好有警察在现场目击了这一过程,否则很难确定到底是谁违反了规定 。”
Pet owners will have to cover the cost of the DNA testing in addition to paying a fine.
除了罚款外,“肇事”宠物狗的主人还必须支付DNA检测的费用 。
Martinez said the city wanted the database to be up and running “as soon as possible” but did not provide a date.
马丁内兹表示市政府希望尽快建成并运行这一数据库,但并未给出具体日期 。
Tarragona, a city of 135,000 people which is known for its wealth of Roman ruins, including a seaside amphitheatre, has more than 2,800 registered dogs, according to city hall.
塔拉戈纳市因拥有大量的古罗马遗址而闻名,其中包括海边的古罗马圆形竞技场 。该市现有人口13.5万,根据市政厅提供的数据,目前注册登记的宠物狗超过2800只 。