Many have dreamed of having the power to secretly right wrongs and make the world a fairer place. Mr. Robot’s Elliot Alderson is living that dream.
Alderson (Rami Malek), is a brilliant, twitchy and socially awkward computer programmer at a cyber security company. But that is only his day job. At night he hacks the accounts of big companies, looking into their misdeeds and reporting them to the police.
As Alderson sees it, his enemies are the elites who run the finances of the country –“the top 1 percent of the top 1 percent” who are “playing God without permission”.
But the show is actually named after a supporting player – Mr Robot – the mysterious leader of an underground hacking collective who recruits Alderson to destroy the company he is paid to protect, putting him between a rock and a hard place.
不过,这部剧却用一个配角的名字作为片名。罗伯特先生(Mr. Robot)是一个神秘的地下黑客组织的首领,他招募了奥尔德森,让奥尔德森摧毁雇佣自己的公司,这也让奥尔德森陷入了困境。
Hailed by Forbes as “the best show of the summer and on track to be a modern classic”, Mr.Robot is a mirror of the times. Although it was in production long before the 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment cyber attack and the iCloud photo hack that exposed personal photos of celebrities, the subject is clearly gaining significance.
"Before, people didn’t quite get when a guy is on a computer how dangerous that can be,” Sam Esmail, the show’s creator and head writer, told Variety, a US entertainment magazine. "But now that it’s become more in the culture and people are witnessing it and seeing the real damage it can cause, I think they can buy into that a kid at a keyboard can be incredibly dangerous.”
But Esmail is aiming for larger underlying themes, hoping that the show digs into more than just the culture of hacking.
"There is an anger that I think everyone senses in society with where we’re at, especially since the financial collapse and the income inequality, not just in America, but internationally,” he said. “It’s a conversation people should be having. I think we just want to bring it to the forefront.”