What if you could predict your own death? Would it be coincidence, or some sort of sixth-sense intuition? These 10 people had their deaths predicted, and while skeptics may see these stories as mere coincidences, the predictions are just so bizarre you can't help but wonder otherwise.
10.Frank Pastore
Frank Pastore was a famous baseball player for the Cincinnati Reds who later went on to host his own Christian radio show on in Los Angeles. He made a comment about getting into a fatal motorcycle crash following a discussion about the afterlife with his viewers, saying, "Look, you guys know I ride a motorcycle, right? So, at any moment, especially with the idiot people who cross the diamond lane into my lane, all right, without any blinkers — not that I'm angry about it — at any minute I could be spread all over the 210."
弗兰克·帕斯托雷原来是一个非常有名的棒球运动员,效力于辛辛那提红人队(Cincinnati Reds),后来在洛杉矶开设了基督教广播电台节目并担任主持人。在一次节目中,他对一起致命的摩托车事故进行评论,跟听众一起探讨有关人的来世的话题。他说:"大家都知道我平常是骑摩托车出行,所以随时有遭遇事故的可能。要是碰到那种从共乘车道(diamond lane:有菱形标志的车道,只能允许2个人以上共乘的汽车使用——译注)突然开到机动车道、还不给你打变道指示灯的傻x,那我估计会在210高速公路上被撞得一塌糊涂,身首异处。"
Only three hours later, Pastore was hit on his motorcycle by a woman who lost control of her car. Pastore suffered major head injuries and died a short time later. Maybe it was just an odd coincidence, but others think his comment was much too detailed to be anything but fate.
9.Arnold Schoenberg
Arnold Schoenberg was a famous composer and a superstitious man who looked for symbolism throughout his life. He suffered from a debilitating case of triskaidekaphobia, a fear of the number 13. His avoidance of the number consumed him, as he was born on September 13, 1874 and believed he would die on a year that was a multiple of thirteen. He would even change the names of his songs to keep them from having 13 letters.
阿诺德·勋伯格是一位著名的作曲家,他非常迷信,一生都对数字很敏感。因为出生于1874年9月13日,所以勋伯格总觉得自己会在一个含有13倍数的年份死去,对13的恐惧情绪吞噬着他,使他终身都遭受着 "恐数字13症(triskaidekaphobia)"的折磨。如果碰巧作品名字里有13个字母,他甚至会给作品改名,以避免接触数字13。
Every 13 years Schoenberg became consumed with the fear and paranoia that the year would be his last. He prepared himself for death in 1951, and had an astronomer by the name of Dane Rudhyar make him a horoscope. To Schoenberg's horror, Rudhyar informed him that years with the multiple of 13 were the least of his worries and it's the ages that add up to 13 that he was really in danger from. Schoenberg soon found himself sick in bed on Friday the 13th of July 1951 at the age of 76 (seven and six make 13). Schoenberg was minutes away from midnight and surviving his superstitions when he suddenly passed away, just as he predicted.
每个含有13倍数的年份都会让勋伯格感到恐惧,妄想着那会是他在世的最后一年。1951年,勋伯格预感死期将至,于是请了一位名叫戴恩·罗德耶(Dane Rudhyar)的天文学家来给自己看星象。令勋伯格感到惊恐的是,罗德耶告诉他不必担心含有13倍数的年份,因为他的死期更可能是在年龄相加为13的年份。说来也怪,没过多久,在同年的7月13日星期五,勋伯格就病倒在床,这一年他正好76岁(7+6=13)。勋伯格身卧病榻,一直到临近午夜12点,本以为自己就要挨过这个"13劫",没想到就在午夜钟声敲响的前几分钟,突然离世。而这一切,似乎也恰巧应验了他对自己的死亡预言。
8.Abraham de Moivre
Abraham de Moivre was an accomplished mathematician who's most known for his work in chance and probability. He worked with numbers his whole life and made large contributions to the world of mathematics. Not only was Moivre able to use numbers to his benefit, he was able to use them to predict his own death.
As Moivre began to age, he body began slowing down. Unlike most people who simply disregard the fatigue, Moivre somehow knew that his time was near. The more fatigued he became, the more hours he needed of sleep, allotting himself 15 extra minutes each day. Moivre predicted that when those 15 minute intervals added up to a full 24 hours on November 27,1754, he would die. Incredibly, this inventor of mortality statistics passed away on that exact date.
7.William Thomas Stead
William Thomas Stead was a writer and a man of great superstitious beliefs. He believed himself to be clairvoyant and have the ability to talk to ghosts and spirits. Also known as the father of the modern tabloid, Stead was said to have sometimes gotten his information from sources in the after-life. While that claim seems a bit far-fetched, the coincidental predictions he made regarding his own death are undeniable.
The first article he wrote foreshadowing his death covered the danger of not having enough lifeboats aboard ships after two ships collided in the Atlantic and left hundreds dead. The second and even more eerie prediction came in a story he had written called From the Old World to the New. It was about a ship that collided with an iceberg, leaving many passengers dead while the survivors were rescued by a captain named Edward Smith.
斯特德曾发文称,假如两艘轮船在大西洋发生撞击事故,船上未配备足够的救生船,就会导致数百人丧生,极其危险,该文也成为斯特德给自己死因预言埋下的第一个伏笔。第二个更加诡异的伏笔出现在他所作的另一篇文章《从旧世界到新世界》(From the Old World to the New),斯特德在文中讲述了这样一个故事:一艘轮船触礁冰山后,很多乘客丧失性命,还有些遇难者因一位名叫爱德华·史密斯( Edward Smith)的船长的解救而幸存下来。
Stead boarded the Titanic in 1912 to set sail to America for a peace conference, and was in his cabin when the ship hit the infamous iceberg. When he reached the deck, he found that there weren't enough life rafts to go around. To Stead's horror, he realized that his previous stories were coming true before his very eyes. While he believed in the superstitious, Stead failed to realize his very own predictions — the captain of the Titanic was even named Edward Smith. Accepting his fate, Stead sat down to read a book in the first class smoking room until the waters overtook him.
6.Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln had a dream about his assassination almost two weeks before he was shot. In the midst of the Civil War and facing an overwhelming amount of stress, it's not surprising that Lincoln was prone to violent and vivid dreams. He recalled that he felt a "death-like stillness" as he walked down stairs and heard the sounds of sobbing. He found no one as he searched the house, yet everything in it seemed very familiar to him. When he reached the East Room he found a coffin being guarded by soldiers and holding a corpse in "funeral vestments." He found people mourning in the room and when he asked a guard who had died in the White House he answered, "The President, he was killed by an assassin." Lincoln was immensely bothered by this dream, and it came true on April 14, 1865, after which his coffin was placed in the East Room of the White House and guarded by soldiers.
亚伯拉罕·林肯在遭遇枪杀的两周前, 曾经做过一个关于自己被暗杀的梦。当时正值美国内战时期,面对铺天盖地的重重压力,也难怪林肯会经常做一些涉及暴力情节的梦,陷入逼真的梦境。他回忆说,他梦到自己走下楼梯,听到阵阵啜泣声,气氛死一般的沉寂。他搜寻整个房间,发现一个人都没有,但一切似乎又那么熟悉。林肯走到东室(East Room),看到士兵们保卫着一具棺材,棺材里躺着一具裹着葬服的尸体。大家在房间里一同哀悼,他走上前询问士兵白宫里死的人是谁,士兵回答说:"是总统,总统被暗杀了。"这个梦让林肯感到极度烦扰,在1865年4月14日,梦境成真,而他的棺材也真的被放置在白宫东室,由士兵保卫。
翻译:毛志遥 来源:前十网