5.Saparmurat Niyazov Really Hated Dogs
There's a fine line between eccentricity and insanity, and as far as we can tell, the former leader of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, spat on that line and everything it stood for. The famously maladjusted leader was known throughout the world for his seemingly insane decrees and laws. As we've already discussed, Niyazov famously tried to construct a giant ice palace in the middle of the desert and had his entire staff memorize a book he wrote for no reason.Niyazov is infamous for banning things on a whim. Perhaps the most incredible example of this is the time he banned all dogs from the capital city of Turkmenistan solely because he didn't like the way they smelled. If that wasn't crazy enough, when Niyazov turned on his TV one day and found that, for some odd reason, he couldn't tell the difference between the men and women announcing the news, he banned every TV presenter in the entire country from wearing makeup while they were on the air.
众所周知,怪诞和疯狂之间还是有一条明确的分界线的,然而,土库曼斯坦前总统尼亚佐夫对此嗤之以鼻,这位怪异的领导以他颁布的奇怪的法令而闻名于世,正如我们之前讨论的,尼亚佐夫曾试图在沙漠中央用冰筑造一座宫殿,也曾让下属无理由背诵他写的书。 尼亚佐夫经常一时兴起,就一举下令禁止某种行为。其中最出名的一件事便是他禁止所有狗进入国都,原因仅仅是他不喜欢狗四处嗅闻的动作。如果这都还不算疯狂的话,那么下一个更是令人匪夷所思了。一天,尼亚佐夫打开电视,发现自己根本辨别不出来男主持人和女主持人,于是他下令所有的主持人上节目前化妆。
4.Stalin Had His Painters Shot Because Their Paintings Were Too Accurate
Despite his status as one of the most famously dangerous and imposing figures in world history, Josef Stalin, a man infamous for being responsible for the deaths of more people than Adolf Hitler, was only 1.6 meters (5'5″) tall. At most.This may not seem like such a big deal to us, but for a man like Stalin, who was “obsessed with public image,” it served as a source of constant embarrassment and anger. In order to keep up the illusion that he was a man of physically impressive proportions, Stalin tried to never appear in photographs next to people taller than himself and he'd often hide his withered left hand (supposedly caused by a birth defect) by folding his arms across his chest.Stalin's obsession with appearance was so great that when a portrait painter finally managed to paint him looking intimidating with his arms folded neatly below his broad chest, Stalin immediately had every other painting of him destroyed. Then he killed their painters for good measure.
斯大林是世界历史上最危险的领导者之一,他手下的亡魂比希特勒还多,然而这位君主的个头最多不过1米6。 这对我们来说并没什么大不了,然而对重视公众形象的斯大林来说,这常常是他感到尴尬和愤怒的源头。为了塑造伟岸的领导者形象,斯大林在拍照时从不和比自己高的人站在一起,也常常将双手交叠在胸前,以此掩饰自己萎缩掉的左手(可能是先天性残疾)。 一天,一位画家终于完成了一副斯大林的肖像画,画中的斯大林气势逼人,双手交叠在宽阔的胸膛前,画成后,斯大林将以前的肖像画都毁了,接着便杀掉了这名画家,因为这名画家曾十分细致地量过他的身高。
3.Xerxes I Was Really Annoyed About The Battle Of Thermopylae
Before you Google it to check, yes, Xerxes I was the Persian king with the solid gold throne in the film 300. Although Xerxes I won the Battle of Thermopylae through a combination of sheer numbers and a Spartan betrayal, he literally had to tear victory out of the Spartans' cold, dead hands.However, even though Xerxes managed to best one of the single greatest fighting forces on Earth at the time, he was still incredibly annoyed at how difficult it had been for his army to attain victory in the first place. As a result, when his army marched into Athens after the Battle of Thermopylae and another battle in Artemisium, he ordered the entire city to be burned to the ground.Athens was a huge hub for trade at the time, meaning that burning it to the ground was like Xerxes throwing money straight into the sea. Burning Athens also annoyed the Greeks and only strengthened their resolve to murder every Persian they came across. Xerxes eventually offered to rebuild the city as an apology after he apparently realized that destroying everything it contained had been a bad move.
在您谷歌搜索之前,我想对您说,没错,这里的薛西斯一世就是电影中那个拥有纯金王座的波斯国王薛西斯一世。尽管薛西斯一世赢了温泉关战役,但是这靠的是数量上的优势和一个斯巴达人的背叛,可以说,他是从冰冷的斯巴达死尸手中抢来的胜利。 尽管薛西斯一世在率领军队上一枝独秀,但他仍为花了这么大力气去赢得这场战争感到十分愤怒。因此,当军队进入雅典和艾提米西恩时,薛西斯一世下令将整座城市全部烧光。 当时的雅典是著名的贸易中心,焚毁雅典无异于将钱抛进大海,而且此举将激怒希腊人,逼他们杀掉每个遇到的波斯人以泄心头只恨,最后,薛西斯一世在众人面前表示焚毁雅典是个错误的决定,并以重建雅典表达歉意。
2.Elagabalus Divorced His Wife Because Of A Birthmark
Elagabalus was a Roman emperor known for being more Caligula-esque than Caligula himself, and he was feared by the Roman people for his penchant for playing pranks. Some stories detail how the emperor released hundreds of snakes into the crowds that had gathered to watch the games, while others talk about how he'd terrify his dinner guests by randomly releasing leopards into the room.Perhaps one of the most curious things about Elagabalus was his seemingly fluid sexuality—the teenage emperor would reportedly bed both men and women and even supposedly prostituted himself to the people of Rome. At the behest of an adviser who wanted to endear him to the public, Elagabalus married a young woman named Julia Paula, who came from a rich Roman family. However, almost immediately after the marriage was finalized, Elagabalus divorced Paula on the grounds that she had an “unsightly blemish” on her body.
埃拉加巴卢斯是一位罗马皇帝,比历史上的卡里古拉更加暴虐。罗马人民对他十分忌惮,因为他常常搞恶作剧。有故事记载,埃拉加巴卢斯曾经将蛇放到聚集观看游戏的人群中,还曾将豹子放入家中恐吓正在晚餐的客人。 但是最令人感到好奇的是这位君主淫乱的性生活了,据说,埃拉加巴卢斯既睡男人,也睡女人,他甚至把自己当做男妓,奉给罗马人民睡。 为了塑造埃拉加巴卢斯的亲民形象,一位进谏者建议埃拉加巴卢斯和当时的富家小姐朱丽叶·宝拉成婚。然而,婚刚接完,这位君主便迫不及待地跟新婚妻子离婚了,原因是新婚妻子身上有一块不雅的胎记。
1.Kim Jong-un Lived Up To His Dad's Legacy Moments After His Death
Kim Jong-un isn't exactly known for his reserved nature and his stoic approach to leading North Korea, but this is just ridiculous.After his father died, Kim Jong-un was understandably a little upset, and we're not going to begrudge someone for mourning their father—even dictators deserve a small moment of humanity to remember the ones they care about. What we do take exception to is how Kim Jong-un reacted when he heard that one of his new ministers, Kim Chol, had been drinking and otherwise enjoying himself during the state-mandated mourning period for his father. Angered by this apparent slight at his father's memory, Kim Jong-un ordered that Kim Chol be executed. Most executions in the country are carried out by firing squad, but that wasn't enough for Kim Jong-un. He wanted to send a message, and apparently the only way to do that was to have the man blown off the face of the Earth with a direct hit from a mortar round.
使金正恩成名的不是他内敛的性格和斯多葛学派的领导风格,虽然仅仅这些就足够让人笑掉大牙了。 金正日死后,金正恩表现出了一丝悲痛,这无可厚非,我们也不会对一位正在悼念自己父亲的儿子表示不满,尽管他是一位独裁者,但独裁者也会在自己在乎的人面前表示出人性的一面不是?真正让我们另眼相看的是金正恩在听闻他的新部长金哲在举国哀悼之时醉生梦死时的反应。 金正恩被金哲激怒了,下令处死金哲,国内的大多数死刑犯由射击队的人处死,然而金正恩不会这么善罢甘休,他想通过金哲事件杀鸡儆猴,于是,让金哲完完整整消失在这个世界的方式便是用迫击炮射杀致死。
翻译:赵一力 来源:前十网