日期:2015-08-10 09:35


Whenever you see the word "dictator," the word "reasonable" isn't usually one that leaps to mind. World leaders renowned for their temper or instability are a lot like people online—we expect them to overreact to everyday occurrences with a regularity bordering on obsession. These hilariously extreme overreactions that out of character for even the most insane world leaders.

10.Selim II Invaded Cyprus Because He Ran Out Of Wine


Selim II, sometimes known as Selim the Blond or Selim the Sot, was a sultan of the Ottoman Empire who was known for his love of Cyprus's wine. Selim's addiction to wine was so severe that his nickname, Salem the Sot, bestowed by historians, basically translates to Selim the Drunkard. Selim enjoyed drinking so much that his own people didn't even wait until he died to start making fun of him for it. Selim's love of wine was so great that part of the reason he eventually decided to invade Cyprus was so that he'd have full control over the world's supply of his favorite tipple. Selim's desire to invade Cyprus wasn't fully influenced by his taste for wine—he had good reason to invade Cyprus because it was a country of great strategic importance, although Selim himself likely didn't know it. However, we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that Selim's decision to invade an entire country and risk the lives of thousands was, in part, an overreaction to running out of his favorite wine. On some level, you just have to respect dedication like that.
塞利姆二世,也称为金发塞利姆,或醉鬼塞利姆,是奥斯曼帝国的苏丹,对塞浦路斯的葡萄酒情有独钟,这位君主对葡萄酒风魔到什么程度呢?史学家们给他起了个外号——醉鬼塞利姆。另外,他的国民没等他驾崩,就按捺不住在喝酒这事上调侃他了。 塞利姆嗜酒如命,之所以入侵塞浦路斯,其实有一部分原因就是他期望全权控制他最爱的葡萄酒供应,当然酒不是入侵塞国的全部原因,塞浦路斯具有很重要的战略地位,尽管这位君主可能对此并不知情。然而塞利姆因喝不到酒,挑着千万人的性命去攻打他国的事实不容辩驳,尤其是,我们还不得不尊重这一史实。

9.Zhang Xianzhong Celebrated His Recovery From Illness By Dismembering Hundreds


Zhang Xianzhong is a rather reviled figure in Chinese history mainly due to the fact that, under his rule, a reported 90 percent of the population of the Sichuan province met their untimely demise. Xianzhong, who was commonly referred to as "Yellow Tiger," engaged in unspeakable acts of cruelty during his reign. He would regularly cut the hands and heads off people he'd executed just so that he could pile them up to keep count of how many people he'd killed that day. One time, when Xianzhong fell ill to an undisclosed sickness, he promised the gods that if they helped him recover from the illness, he'd offer them two "Heavenly Candles" as thanks. Now no one, including Xianzhong's own entourage, knew what he meant by the phrase "Heavenly Candles," but they soon found out he wasn't talking about wax. When Xianzhong eventually recovered from his bout of illness, he instructed his men to gather as many women as possible. Then, in a move nobody saw coming, he instructed his men to cut off the feet of all of the women present and place them in two separate piles. When his macabre piles of anguish were constructed, he then cut off the (exceptionally tiny) feet of his favorite concubine and placed one atop each pile before setting them both alight.
张献忠在中国历史上备受诟病,在他统治期间,90%的四川人惨遭杀害。张献忠也被称为"黄虎",他定期将死刑犯的头或手砍下来,以便于将这些残肢断体堆积起来,计算自己到底杀了多少人。 有一次,张献忠身患不明疾病,他对着菩萨许愿道,如果病还能好,他将会向菩萨供奉两只"天堂蜡烛",那个时候,所有人,包括他自己的随从,都不清楚他口中的蜡烛是什么,但他们很快明白这并不是传统意义上的蜡烛。 病愈后,张献忠让自己的士兵尽可能多的把女人集结在一起,接着,他让士兵把这些女人的双脚砍下,放成两堆,随后,他把自己宠姬的双脚砍下,放在两堆脚的上面,点上大火。

8.Frederick William I Would Shoot People For Making Small Mistakes


We've discussed Frederick William I and his penchant for tall men on Listverse before, and in keeping with what we mentioned back then, we're still insistent that King Frederick was utterly insane. Along with an unfortunate habit of kidnapping random tall people and forcing them to fight in his private army of giants, King Frederick was known for his explosive temper, often doing things like beating his subjects half to death with a cane for seemingly no reason at all. Along with a cane, King Frederick also carried two pistols loaded with salt at all times purely for the purpose of shooting servants who annoyed him. As discussed in the book Memoirs of the Court of Prussia, the king would often sit on his throne with the pistols by his side, just waiting for someone to give him an excuse to fire one. It's reported that on at least one occasion the king shot a servant right in the face for a simple blunder, permanently blinding him in one eye. Considering the fact that Frederick could have just asked one of his giant soldiers to rough the guy up a little, shooting him in the face with salt just seems excessive.
我们前面也曾撰文谈及威廉一世对高个子的癖好,今天我们接着上次讲,其实,威廉一世是个不折不扣的疯子。除了捉住大个子让他们打架外,威廉一世的脾气也十分火爆,他经常无缘无故地用藤条将自己的臣民打得半死不活。 除了用藤条折磨人之外,威廉一世还经常拿着两支装着盐弹的手枪,教训那些惹恼他的随从。《普鲁士宫廷回忆录》记载道,威廉一世常常高高地坐在王座上,手枪就搁在王座旁边,就等着某个倒霉蛋过来,让威廉一世寻着个把柄,然后朝那个倒霉蛋放上一枪。据说,威廉一世曾为了一件小事,将侍从的一只眼睛射瞎了,考虑到威廉一世的惯用招数是吩咐高个子军人教训别人,他这一射瞎别人眼睛的行为就有点过了。

7.Prince Sado Of Korea Burned Clothes Just Because They Didn't Fit


Crown Prince Sado of Korea is another ruler that we've mentioned before. During the 18th century, Prince Sado would wantonly abuse his servants and rape women without a second thought. However, today we're talking about Prince Sado's obsession with clothes. Prince Sado was utterly obsessed with his appearance and, in a futile attempt to avoid his wrath, his servants would lay out at least 30 outfits a day for the prince to try on. Prince Sado would invariably hate all of the outfits, and just to ensure that they hated their already thankless task a little bit more, he'd punch, kick, and sometimes even kill the poor people charged with trying to dress him. Before he'd even begin to get dressed, though, Sado would burn dozens of expensive silk outfits for reasons that were only apparent to him.
我们之前也提到过庄献世子,讲到他肆意殴打侍从,奸淫妇女,但我们今天要介绍他对着装的苛求。 庄献世子很在意自己的外表,为了避免他发怒,侍从们一天会准备至少30套衣服,尽管事实证明这都是徒劳的,庄献世子无一例外地对任何一套衣服都不满意,对伺候他穿衣的侍从拳打脚踢,甚至杀了他们,使这一吃力不讨好的苦差事雪上加霜。他经常在穿衣前,烧掉一堆昂贵的丝绸衣物,纵使他口中的"不合适"只有他一个人看得出来。

6.Jean-Bedel Bokassa Imprisoned And Killed Schoolchildren For Not Wearing Their Uniforms


Jean-Bedel Bokassa has appeared on this site numerous times before purely because of how genuinely insane he was. Bokassa famously tried to fashion himself into an emperor-like figure when he became the ruler of the Central African Republic in 1976, and almost bankrupted his entire country by buying himself a crown and a giant palace.Under his rule, Bokassa insisted that all schoolchildren had to wear an incredibly expensive school uniform, the only seller of which was a company owned by one of his many, many wives. When schoolchildren inevitably began to protest this, Bokassa, in a fit of rage, had hundreds of them imprisoned.In and of itself, this is already an overreaction of epic proportions, but Bokassa wasn't a man who did anything halfway. After he'd had the children arrested, he personally beat a bunch of them to death with his bare hands, an action that earned him scorn from the international community and little else. Some of the children were noted to be as young as eight years old.
在此单纯讨论他的疯狂之前,波萨卡已经数次登上这个网站的前十榜,自1976年登上中非共和国的王座之后,波萨卡就努力打造自己的国王形象,斥巨资入手一顶王冠和一座王宫,差点让整个国家破产。 波萨卡执政期间,要求所有的学生必须穿昂贵的校服,而校服的生产商是他后宫众多妻妾之一,学生一致反对这个决定,暴怒下的波萨卡一举让数百名学生锒铛入狱。 这以史无前例的过激反应可谓丧心病狂,然而残忍的波萨卡不会就此罢手,逮捕学生后,波萨卡便徒手将几名学生殴打致死,一些孩子甚至只有8岁大,他这一行为遭到了国际社会的不满与嘲讽。

翻译:赵一力 来源:前十网

  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • thronen. 王座,君主
  • invariablyadv. 不变化地,一定不变地,常常地
  • obsessionn. 困扰,沉迷,着魔,妄想
  • apparentadj. 明显的,表面上的
  • settingn. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲 动词
  • appearancen. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面
  • alightvi. 落下,走下,偶然发现 adj. 燃烧的,点亮的
  • randomadj. 随机的,随意的,任意的 adv. 随机地 n.
  • waxn. 蜡,蜂蜡 vt. (用蜡)涂 vi. 变大,增大