Sailing is the most free, natural feeling in the world. I love the speed, the feel of the wing on my face, the smell of salt in the ocean air, and the sound of the waves crashing against the hull of the boat. I would love to sail around the world! I met my dad at the marina early this morning and I wasn't sure itwould be a good sailing day.
It was freezing cold and overcast at 7 amwhen we started out and there was a very strong wind. Wind is good for sailing, obviously, but I was worried that it would be too dangerous.
My dad is an experience sailor, however, and I trust his judgment. He said the weather forecast called for perfect sailing weather and it would be great.
And it was! The weather eleared up and was bright and warm by mid-morning. We sailed across the strait and anchored off a little island in a protecter bay. When we got settled my dad made us some cocktails and I made a yummy little platter of cheese and crackers.
Then we made dinner toghter and nice music and a thousand stars in the big, dark sky. I am so happy I could burst.