日期:2015-08-06 18:34


5.They have healthier brains
According to researchers at the University of California San Francisco and Neuropsychologist Katherine Rankin, the lack of ability to pick up on sarcasm can be an early warning sign of brain damage. It was found in a study that subjects with Fronto-Temporal Dementia had difficulty picking up on sarcasm.
根据加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校(the University of California San Francisco)的研究者以及神经学家凯瑟琳·兰金( Katherine Rankin)所说,无法理解挖苦可能是脑损伤的前兆。一则研究也曾表明,患有额颞叶型失智症(Fronto-Temporal Dementia)的实验者很难听得出讽刺和挖苦。


4.They make their friends and significant others smarter


Due to their constant way of communicating, sarcastic people affect the brains of the people around them. There are three stages our brains need to take to understand irony. If you are around them while watching TV, driving, or shopping, then you had to use your brain a little bit more to understand their thought process.
They are doing you a favor, so be sure to thank them.

3.They don't get arrested while getting even


They are excellent at emotional warfare. If you have ever been in an argument with a sarcastic person, there is probably a sewed up scar on your heart from something they have said. It definitely beats getting arrested for aggravated assault, but it lasts a lot longer. As in, forever.

2.They can deliver a gentle insult and still make you laugh


Remarks like, "I didn't climb the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian, but I can make an exception for you" can sound really nice, until you think about it. Did they just insult your way of life and have you respond with thank you?
They can make someone laugh out loud at a remark and then watch as the realization kicks in that it was an insult. If you haven't tried this yet, you need to.

1.They have friends that truly love them


They know that their friends are truly their friends because what kind of person willingly deals with such steady sarcasm everyday? More than likely, they are all sarcastic together, snickering at the gentle insult they just delivered to one another on a silver platter. It is a fun hobby to them, like playing baseball.

翻译:张茜 来源:前十网
