日期:2015-08-05 10:53


Since the world began, we have been surrounded by mysteries. Some are solved by science, but others remain unexplained and might stay unsolved forever. Some are as ancient as humanity, but our fascination with them keeps them timeless. Here are ten such historical unsolved mysteries, to both entertain you and make you wonder.

10.The Fate of Hitler's Stolen Wealth


This is supposedly the greatest and biggest cache ever: an unimaginable hoard of looted gold bars, jewelry, and foreign currency, with an estimated value of $4 billion. These stolen riches disappeared in the blink of an eye from the vaults of the German Reichsbank. In the decades after World War II, troves of looted valuables were found in Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey, Spain, and Sweden, but they hardly compare in value to Hitler's supposed hoard.
Groups all over the world are still hunting for his treasure, but even after all these years, the question remains: Where is the gold of Hitler? The only sure thing is that the mystery of the treasure remains unsolved, with all its rumors, speculations, and myths still entwined around it. One of the most popular beliefs is that Hitler himself buried it in a secret location somewhere in Deutschneudorf, Germany. Some treasure hunters believe that the plunder is lying at the bottom of Lake Toplitz in Austria, while others suggest that it's stashed in banks around the world. The only certain thing is that, when there's nothing but speculation about the location of a $4 billion treasure, it grows into a legend.

9.The Disappearance of the USS Cyclops


The Bermuda Triangle is famous for mysterious disappearances that have taken place there over the years. Even though scientists are nowadays able to provide logical explanations for most of the disappearances in that area, some have never been explained, including the unsolved disappearance of the USS Cyclops, a Proteus-class collier of the US Navy.
During the First World War, the USS Cyclops was sent to Brazil to fuel British ships in the South Atlantic. Returning from Rio de Janeiro, she made a brief stop at the island of Barbados, then departed for Baltimore on the 4th of March, 1918. From that time forward, no one saw or heard anything about the Cyclops ever again. The crew and all 306 passengers vanished once and for all, and no trace of them or the ship has ever been found. It remains the single largest non-combat loss of life in U.S. Naval history. Even though American Naval authorities have tried for years to give a logical explanation, the disappearance remains an absolute mystery with many unanswered questions.

8.Locating the Remains of Christopher Columbus


Christopher Columbus is probably the most famous explorer of all time, and we know pretty much everything about his life — except for one mystery: After his death in 1509, his remains continued to travel, and we don't know where they ended up. Originally buried in the Spanish city of Vigiadolid, in 1537 his bones were transferred to the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean, in accordance with his wishes. But when the Spanish lost the region to the French in 1795, his remains were transferred to Cuba, where they stayed until the Spanish-American war. They were eventually returned to Seville, Spain, in 1898.
克里斯多弗·哥伦布可能是有史以来最著名的探险家,我们对他的生平也了解颇多——除了一个谜团仍待解决:他在1509年死去之后,他的遗骸仍继续航行,其最终去向尚未可知。它的遗骸最初埋藏在西班牙城市巴亚利多德 ,1537年根据他生前意愿,其遗骸被转移至加勒比海的伊斯帕尼奥拉岛。但是在1795年西班牙将这个地区割让给法国时,他的遗骸又被运往古巴,直到1898年美西战争爆发,他才最终被送回西班牙的塞维利亚。
The Dominican Republic's official version, however, claims that the remains of Columbus never left Hispaniola. In 1877, in the Cathedral of Santo Domingo, a box was discovered bearing an inscription stating that the remains inside were those of the "glorious and eminent Cristobal Colon." A DNA analysis conducted on the bones in Seville, and on those of Columbus's brother Diego (who is buried in the same city) showed that the two samples matched perfectly. When researchers announced these findings in 2006, the controversy surrounding Columbus's earthly remains should have come to a definitive end. However, the Dominican Republic openly challenges the results of the DNA testing, and for years has demanded a DNA analysis of the bones in Hispaniola, leaving open a window of doubt.

7.Secrets of the Phaistos Disc


The Minoan Civilization is considered by most historians to be the first organized Western civilization, and it has been named "the first link in the European chain." The Phaistos Disc, which was discovered in 1908 by Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in the ancient city of Phaistos, gave hope to even the least optimistic among us that it would help us understand the Minoan civilization in more detail.
But the Phaistos Disc is a global conundrum that has kept its secrets hidden for thousands of years. Suggestions about what its inscription means include a hymn, a prayer, a geometric theorem for the calendar, and the narrative of a story. However, the global scientific community has not been able to confirm any of these. After decades of research, a diverse team of scientists intensively studying the Minoan language and the text of the Phaistos Disc may have come close to solving one of the biggest mysteries of archaeology, but so far the Disc remains an absolutely unsolved mystery.

6.The "Wow!" Signal


On August 15, 1977, astronomer Jerry Ehman, working on a SETI project at Ohio Wesleyan University's Perkins Observatory, glanced as usual at the prints generated by the radio telescope known as the "Big Ear," but what he saw this time made him write "Wow!" on the printout. But what did he see exactly that caused such a reaction? According to him, it was the strongest, clearest, and most significant signal ever recorded, and a unsolved mystery that astronomers have been debating for decades.
That was thirty-six years ago, and still no one knows what caused the signal or where it came from exactly. The scientific world is unable to provide a clear explanation, strengthening the myth surrounding this case. Even skeptics now wonder if the signal could have been the first human contact with extraterrestrial life.

翻译:李念 来源:前十网
