日本警方逮捕并讯问Mt Gox创始人
日期:2015-08-03 17:11


On Sunday afternoon, in a central Tokyo detention centre, Japanese police began questioning Mark Karpelès, founder and former head of Mt Gox, the bitcoin exchange platform that collapsed last year.

周日下午,在东京市中心的一个羁押中心,日本警方开始讯问去年倒闭的比特币交易平台Mt Gox的创始人、前负责人马克愠楓莱斯(Mark Karpelès)。

Police, who arrested France born Mr Karpelès on Saturday, allege that he manipulated the Mt Gox computer system to inflate his own company account. They claim he made an illegal entry to the system in February 2013 and increased the balance of his account by $1m.

日本警方上周六逮捕了出生于法国的卡佩莱斯,指控他操纵Mt Gox计算机系统,为自己公司的账目注水。警方称,卡佩莱斯在2013年2月曾非法进入Mt Gox计算机系统,将自己的账户余额增加了100万美元。

In its heyday, Mt Gox was the world’s biggest bitcoin exchange. But the platform filed for bankruptcy last year after admitting that it did not know the whereabouts of 850,000 bitcoins then valued at about $500m. The damage to the virtual currency trading community was significant, say people who have studied the affair.

Mt Gox在鼎盛时期曾是全球最大比特币交易平台,但该平台去年申请破产,宣称自己不知道85万枚比特币的去向,这些比特币在当时价值约5亿美元。了解此事的人表示,Mt Gox破产对虚拟货币交易社区造成了严重伤害。
