Lü Buwei (died 235 B. C.,Szechwan Province,China) was a Chinese statesman,minister of the state of Qin,one of the small feudal kingdoms into which China was divided between 771 B. C. and 221 B. C..
Under Lü's clever management,the state of Qin,in northwest China, engulfed many of its neighbouring states,and by the end of Lü's ministry,China was well on the way to unification.
Originally a merchant,Lü used his influence to have one of the princes of Qin declared the heir apparent to the throne.
And when the prince fell in love with one of Lü's concubines,Lü relinquished her, even though she was rumoured to be pregnant at the time.
In return for these favours,the prince,when he became ruler of Qin,made Lü minister of state,a position he continued to hold after the ruler died and the concubine's son Cheng,or Ying,formally acceded to the throne in 246 B. C..
Implicated in a revolt against the boy emperor in 238 B. C.,Lü was banished from the capital.
Accused of involvement in a second plot, he was again banished,this time to the present-day central Province of Szechwan,where he is said to have ended his life by poison.
Calling himself Shi huang-ti (“First Sovereign Emperor"),Cheng completed the unification of China begun by Lü and founded the Qin Dynasty.
While serving as minister,Lü engaged a number of scholars to produce an encyclopedia of knowledge. The result was the first expertly arranged,full-length book,the famous Lü-shih Ch'un Ch'iu ("The Spring and Autumn Annals of Mr. Lü"),a compendium of folklore and pseudoscientific and Taoist writings.