7.Free Will
When we 'pick a card, any card' we are very rarely picking at random, no matter what it seems. It is usually the magician choosing for us, only without our knowledge. In many card tricks the card we apparently choose is 'forced' meaning the magician did something, mental or physical, to make us choose exactly what they wanted us to. But our brain will often over look or deny this as an option, in favor of free choice. Our brain simply does not want to believe it was forced and will often omit facts that may indicate that it was, instead jumping fully into the false idea that all choices were all our own.
6.Filling in The Blanks
The 'woman sawed in half trick' is old enough that most people know the secret. The head we see in one end of the box doesn't belong to the legs we see at the other. But our brain insists and assumes it does, why? Because our brain is a sucker for continuity. When it sees a head in rough alignment with a set of legs it uses past experience to fill in the blank and tell us that obviously a torso exists between those two body parts. In many magic tricks an object is partially covered, and our brain uses what it CAN see to continue the image and fill in the blank, of course that is exactly what the magician wants.
Quick, look out the window. What did you see? Now look again, has anything changed? If the first time all you saw was your backyard and the second time there was a tiger, well you're probably going to notice. But what if that bird perched in the tree moved slightly? What if a plant had moved in the wind? Our brains are susceptible to something called 'change-blindness' basically meaning that it's actually quite bad at immediately detecting small changes. Its not necessarily that we don't see them, but more that our brains have trained themselves not to worry about changes that won't greatly affect us and as a result, if we aren't very specifically focusing on something we'll rarely register it consciously. Obviously magicians can utilize this to the extreme, we never notice small changes in what's going on until the magician directs our focus to it.
4.Our Brain has an Ego
Our Brain insists we have free will, and it also insists that it's always right. Due to something called 'Cognitive Dissonance' our brain will make up excuses to rationalize events, even if it means you are going against what you thought or felt only minutes earlier. Our brain will force us to justify events if they don't go how we expected. Magicians present a reality that doesn't obey the idea of reality your brain is used to seeing. This creates a cognitive dissonance and a point is eventually reached where, no matter how hard it tries, your brain cannot rationalize the events it's just seen. Our brain is used to rationalizing events after they occur, magic creates a situation which can't exist and that leads to the unique sense of astonishment we feel.
译:赵一力 来源:前十网