Northeast University
General Information
Northeastern University(NEU),founded in April of 1923,is located it Shenyang of Liaoning Province. The campus covers a total area of 2.03 million square meters with 1.04 million square meters of floor space.Chang Hsueh一liang,the well-known patriotic marshal,is the honorary president and chair-man of the board of trustees of the University.
After over seventy years'development,it has become a state key university with outstanding academic programs in the engineering sciences and strong academic programs in physical and social sciences,and law and business administration sciences.The University is one of the 33 universities with graduate schools in the nation.It has been approved by the state as one of the first group of“Project 211"universities which enjoy privileged construction.
Northeastern University is operated directly under the Ministry of Education. It has the School of Liberal Arts and Law,the School of Business Administration,the School of Sciences,the School of Resources and Civil Engineering,the School of Materials Science and Metallurgy,the School of Mechanical Engineering,the School of Information Science and Engineering,the School of Software,and the Department of Foreign Languages,the Department of Physical Education,as well as Graduate Schools,the School of Adult Education,the Qinhuangdao Branch,the Liconing Branch,and the NEU Continuous Education Center of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry.
The University has designed 51 undergraduate programs,113 master's degree programs with 3 discipline programs of MBA,MPA and engineering master,and 67 doctoral degree programs. It has 7 state key disciplines and 10 post-doctorate research stations.
学校设有51个专业,有113个硕士学位授权点,另设MBA , MPA、工程硕士3个专业学位授权点,67个博士学位授权点,国家级重点学科7个,博士后流动站10个。
The University has 28 research institutes,109 laboratories and 5 experimental centers for teaching and research. It also has 1 national key laboratory,4 state engineering research centers and 3 provincial engineering research centers
The library,with a floor space of 21 800 square meters,holds more than 1 .65 million volumes and 3 000 periodicals in various languages. The Northeast China's network center of the China Education and Research Computer Network is located on the campus. The access to INTERNET is available through the campus LAN.
学校图书馆建筑面积21 800平方米,藏书1. 65万册,3 000余种外语期刊中国教育研究计算机网络华北网络中心设在东北大学校区内,可以通过校园网直接登陆互联网。
Among the current faculty body of 1950,there are 320 full professors,626 associate professors,including 7 academicians of China Academy of Science and China Academy of Engineering,5 special professors of“Cheungkong Scholars Program",7 members of the Discipline Evaluation group of the State Council,4 distinguished trans-century professors appointed by the State Education Commission,and 174 Ph. D. supervisors
学校目前有专任教师1 905人,其中教授320人、副教授626人;中国科学院和中国工程院院士7人,“长江学者”特聘教授5人,国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员7人,教育部跨世纪优秀人才基金4人,博士生导师174人。
NEU has perfected a complete system of education:undergraduate,master's degree,doctoral degree,post-doctoral programs,foreign student,adult education,the continuous education. The University has total student body of 20 621,including 1266 master's degree students and 541 doctoral degree students. Since its founding over 70 years ago,NEU has trained more than 110 000 students,some of whom have emerged as academicians,leading experts,leaders at provincial or ministerial-level,managers of large-scale state-own enterprises,and outstanding people in the sectors of education,academy,industry,business,sports,culture.
东北大学已形成本科生、硕士研究生、博士研究生、博士后、外国留学生以及成人教育和继续教育多层次人才培养体系。目前学生总数达20 621人,其中硕士研究生1 266人,博士生541人。在过去的70多年里,东北大学培养了11万余名毕业生,其中一部分已经成为省部级学者、专家、领导,或者成为国营大型企业的经理以及教育、学会、工业、商业、体育、文化等领域的杰出人才。
Northeastern University attaches importance to international exchange.NEU has set up inter-university relations of academic exchange with over 102 universities and research from more than twenty countries and regions,including the US,Japan,RUSSIA。UG,France,Italy,Germany,Republic of Korea,and Taiwan,Hong Kong. 1 893 foreign experts have been invited to NEU to teach,give lectures or conduct cooperative scientific research and 591 well-known scholars from home or abroad have been invited as either NEU honorary or concurrent professors. Over 1800 faculty members have been sent abroad to receive advanced training,give lectures or conduct cooperative research so as to improve the level of the university's academic research. In recent years,over 20 large international conferences have been sponsored or organized by NEU.
东北大学坚持面向世界,开放办学。学校先后同美、日、英、德、法、意、俄、韩以及台湾、香港等20多个国家和地区的102所大学、科研院所建立了学术交流关系;邀请了1 893人次外籍专家来校任教、讲学和合作科研。共聘请591位国内外著名学者为东北大学名誉教授和兼职教授;先后选派教师1 800余人次出国进修、讲学和科研合作,促进了学校学术水平的提高。近年来,东北大学先后主办并组织了20余场大型国际会议。
Following the wave of the reform and openness in China,the University with a patriotic tradition and academic style of“devotion,reality,solidarity,and creativety" will make itself an excellent university of national and international recognition in the early 21 st century,based upon the integration of education,research and business and aided by its convenient location in Northeastern Asia Economic Rim and the historic opportunity of“Project 211”.
Glorious History
1923 Northeastern University was founded.
1931 The University was forced to drift successively to Beijing,Xi'an,Kaifeng and Santai in Sichuan Province.
1946 The University returned to its original location of Shenyang.
1949 Shenyang College of Industry was established based upon the School of Engineering,and partially upon the School of Science of Northeastern University.
1950 It was named Northeast University of Technology.
1993 It resumed the original name of Northeastern University.