欧元区领导人就希腊问题达成协议 Eurozone leaders reach deal on Greece
日期:2015-07-15 11:00


At a press conference after the all-night talks the German chancellor said the deal was worth 86-87bn over three years. She added that trust with Greece “needed to be rebuilt.”
As dawn broke in Brussels after 14 hours of arguments, the Greek prime minister, Mr Tsipras, appeared to have bowed to pressure to pass tough reform laws, including on tax and pensions, by Wednesday and prepare further rapid reforms this month.
The euro jumped on news of a deal, up to $1.1175 against the dollar, while Bunds prices were sharply weaker, showing much lower demand for safe havens.
Donald Tusk, European Council president, said: “The decision gives Greece the chance to get back on track with the support of its European partners.
欧洲理事会(European Council)主席唐纳德•图斯克(Donald Tusk)表示:“这一决定给了希腊一个机会,让其能够在欧洲伙伴国的支持下回归正轨。
“I welcome the progress and the constructive progress of Greece that brings back trust among European partners. Eurogroup will work with institutions to swiftly move forward the negotiations.”
The talks had threatened to strain Ms Merkel and French president Mr Hollande’s recent efforts to bolster the EU’s key political alliance. At one point, arguments got so heated that one participant described the atmosphere among finance ministers as “violent”. The eurogroup meeting on Saturday night was suspended after German finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble lashed out at Mario Draghi, the European Central Bank’s president, during a tense stand-off.
这场谈判一度有可能令默克尔和法国总统奥朗德(Hollande)近期巩固欧盟关键政治联盟的努力泡汤。会上的争论曾非常激烈,以至于一名与会者称,财长们之间的交锋显得有些“暴力”。在激烈对峙中,德国财长沃尔夫冈•朔伊布勒(Wolfgang Schäuble)曾猛烈抨击欧洲央行(ECB)行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi),结果导致上周六晚的欧元集团会议暂停。
Highlighting the drama, Luxembourg has warned Germany that pressing for Grexit would bring “a profound conflict” with France and “catastrophe for Europe”. Jean Asselborn, foreign minister, told the Süddeutsche newspaper that it would be “fatal for Germany’s reputation in the EU and the world” if Berlin did not seize the chance offered by the Greek reform promises.
凸显交锋之激烈的是,卢森堡警告德国称,逼迫希腊退出欧元区将导致德法之间发生“严重冲突”,并“给欧洲带来灾难”。卢森堡外长让•阿塞尔博恩(Jean Asselborn)对《南德意志报》(Süddeutsche)表示,如果柏林方面不抓住希腊改革承诺提供的机会,“德国在欧盟和世界的声望都将受到致命打击”。
Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission who last week admitted that the EU’s executive arm had been working on a “Grexit” plan, said: “I will fight until the very last millisecond to have a deal and I hope there will be a deal.”
欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席让-克洛德•容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)称:“为了达成协议,我将斗争到最后一毫秒。我希望能够达成一项协议。”他上周承认,欧盟的这家执行机构一直在研究一项“希腊退出欧元区”的计划。
The delay tested to the limit the ECB’s capacity to keep providing Greek banks with emergency finance. With the Greek economy deteriorating, rescue costs have risen to 82bn-86bn, according to a eurogroup finance ministers’ draft statement, including 12bn needed in the next month and 10bn “immediately” for bank recapitalisation.
Arriving in Brussels, Mr Tsipras said: “I am here ready for a compromise. We owe that to the people of Europe who want Europe united and not divided.”
As set out in the finance ministers’ draft statement, Athens has committed to pass legislation on value added tax, pensions and creating an independent institution to tackle fiscal reforms before Thursday, and has shown willingness to agree other tough reforms.
Germany exerted maximum pressure, with the finance ministry raising the possibility of a five-year timeout from the eurozone for Greece, and transferring 50bn of assets to an “external fund” for privatisation to help fund debt repayment. Among Germany’s staunchest allies is Finland, where the populist Finns party threatened to resign from the two-month-old coalition government if a Greek bailout went ahead.
德国方面施加的压力最大,德国财政部提出了希腊暂离欧元区五年的可能性,还提出让希腊转移500亿欧元资产至一支致力于私有化的“外部基金”,以便为偿债筹措资金。芬兰是德国最坚定的盟友之一,该国奉行民粹主义的芬兰人党(Finns party)威胁称,如果希腊纾困继续下去,该党将退出成立仅两个月的联合政府。
