Don't pull on Superman's cape. Don't spit in the wind. Never get involved in a land war in Asia. Avoid playing leap frog with a unicorn. There are plenty of things we humans simply shouldn't do and nearly just as many that folks give a shot anyway.
Take emergency situations. Whether it's a tsunami, an active shooter or a grizzly bear, the first thing that people normally do when faced with a threat is try to get the heck out of dodge. Heading for the hills, however, might very well put you in more danger than hunkering down in place.
Kenny Rogers sang, "You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away, know when to run." Take a cue from "The Gambler" and check out 10 of the most dangerous threats that you should never try to outrun.
就像肯尼·罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers)在《赌徒》(The Gambler)里唱的那样,“你得知道何时出牌,何时弃牌;何时离开,何时继续来。”小编从这首歌中得到灵感,整理了10种千万不要草率逃离的险境。
10.A Tornado
Most crazy storm chasers that you see on TV know well enough not to try to outrun a twister. They just try to stay far enough away from a tornado to avoid its wrath. For the rest of us amateurs, the best thing to do is shelter in place. Evacuation routes can get easily clogged with cars, especially in small towns and rural areas with fewer get-away routes. That leaves people trying to flee from a tornado in the more vulnerable position of being trapped in their cars when a big one barrels through the area.
The best option is to go to the basement of your home, or at least to the area closest to the ground. Use pillows and blankets to cover yourself from falling objects.
9.A Bear
Ever hear the one about Bob and Joe hiking in the woods when they come across a bear? Bob immediately prepares to make a dash for it by tying his shoes. Joe says, "What are you doing? You can't outrun a bear." Bob replies, "I don't have to outrun him. I just have to outrun you!"
Running away is a bad plan if you find yourself toe-to-toe with a grizzly, black or any other type of bear. While bears rarely attack, they are wild animals and therefore unpredictable. They can also run as fast as 30 miles (48 kilometers) an hour. The good news is that they usually just want to be left alone. Encounter one in the great outdoors and your best bet is to back away slowly while facing the animal and avoiding direct eye contact.
If the bear continues to follow, you'll likely have to go on the offensive. There are limited circumstances in which "playing dead" can help you. Namely, if you're being sized up by a grizzly or brown bear that sees you as a threat to her cubs. These bears are commonly found in the western U.S. and are distinguished from black bears by a shoulder hump and "dished" face.
Under all other circumstances, it's best to get aggressive. Despite their size and strength, bears of all colors are intimated by loud noises and dangerous objects. Start by making yourself as big as possible — by going to higher ground, for instance. Shout at the bear, wave a stick and even throw rocks at it. Also, be sure that you're ready to use that bear spray if the animal gets close enough
8.The Police
When you fight the law, the law usually wins. Not only is running from the cops a bad idea, but it's also likely to get you in more trouble than you would be if you simply stuck around. In some jurisdictions, running could result in a resisting arrest or obstructing justice charge.
The better course of action is to ask if you're being detained and simply walk away if the answer is "no." Even if you aren't doing anything wrong and think that the officer is exceeding his or her authority by stopping you for questioning, forcing you to empty your pockets or rifling around in your car, it's best to assert your objection and to calmly make clear that you don't consent to the officer's actions. Submit to a search or arrest, then challenge those actions in court if necessary.
较好的举措是: 大方地询问警方自己是否会被拘留,当得到“不需要”的回答时,照直走开就好。甚至有时你认为自己并没有犯任何错误,但警方做了已经超出其职权范围的事情,例如:强行审问、搜身和搜车。你最好先提出自己的反对意见,然后冷静并明确的表明你不同意他们这么做。必要的情况下,你可以先服从搜查或逮捕,然后在法庭上对这些行为进行公然反对。
审校:王大 编辑:Freya然 校对:落花生