Women’s shoes are often regarded as small torture chambers for our feet, designed to give us an instant leg-up in the glamor charts while reducing us to an eye-watering hobble come the end of the day。
But there is so much more to the female footwear story than this one cliché。
Manolo Blahnik
On improving upon nature: The feet have always been the inspiration. If you have horrible feet, I always see the challenge to make it better. . Even the ugliest foot is going to be okay with a shoe that I do. This is the redeeming quality of a shoe well-made。
On the wealth of history: I’ve always love extremities in statues, Greek and Roman, in museums all around the world. Some of the shoes [I design] go back to the Hellenistic period, and things like that, but they’re completely different. Nothing like that was in Hellenistic times. My mind works that way: I just put details that remind of me of that kind of period。
On perfection: I like to do with absolute perfection the best I can. This is really my challenge nowadays. As you get to a certain age, you’ve got to do the best you can because it’s the only way you can really get satisfaction。
Charlotte Dellal
On the high heel as object of art: I love collecting beautiful things. I love objects and, to me, the shoe looks good on the foot, off the foot, or on your mantelpiece。
Just from a design aesthetic, they have a wonderful shape. With the high heel, there’s the negative space between the heel and the ball of the foot, as well as the shoe itself. It becomes sculptural。
On the transformative power of accessories: It’s a cliché in saying, but I do think accessories -- shoes particularly -- change an outfit. You can literally dress up when you put on a pair of high heel shoes. It changes the whole thing: the posture, the attitude, the feeling. Everything. It elevates you in every sense of the word; it makes you feel somewhat special。
Pierre Hardy
On the future present: Fashion is short-view sci-fi. It’s sci-fi for tomorrow, not into a century or two centuries。
There is something about the projection that you have to reach to create new shapes and to invent a new type of object, but at the same time fashion talks about femininity and about elegance and about chic. All these notions are from the past and make reference to ideal shapes that we already know。
That’s something I love about fashion: to combine the desire for the future with with the knowledge of what was before; to try to combine those two opposite elements。
There was a period when people were much more prospective, and believed much more in the future and in progress -- for example, in the 50’s and the 60’s, and even the 70’s sometimes. But nowadays we embrace a lot of different periods, a lot of different styles altogether. I think regarding artists and the history of art, our period is very baroque moment, a much combined moment。
In our society, you know, civilization, walking barefoot is forbidden. Totally. Even if you aren’t aware of it, this taboo is included in your mind. It’s an obligation, a constraint. I think shoes and this love of shoes is a way to twist this constraint into a pleasure. It’s the definition of feminism or desire. Because you don’t have this reason to go barefoot, let’s make the shoe as glorious as possible。