日期:2015-07-07 16:57


There are plenty of foods that are either named after places or are assumed to come from certain places. The following is a list of certain food origins that we're frequently wrong about.

10.German Chocolate Cake


German chocolate cake is delicious, but its name is lying to you; it's not German at all. It was named after a German, though: a man named Sam German. He didn't invent the cake itself, but back in 1852, he created a chocolate bar. It was different from normal chocolate (at the time) because it was made for cooking, and it came to be called Baker's German Sweet Chocolate. The first time the recipe for this cake was published was way back in the late '50s. It was advertised in a Dallas newspaper and became popular almost immediately. The demand for German's baking chocolate skyrocketed, and his name became synonymous with the dessert.
德式巧克力蛋糕的美味总是令人难以忘怀,但它的名字却很可能会误导你。这种蛋糕并不源自德国,而是由一位名叫山姆·格尔曼(Sam German,German一词另有“德国的”之意)的人发明的。他最初并没有直接发明这种蛋糕,而是在1852年发明了在当时颇为与众不同的巧克力棒,使得巧克力可以更好地在烹饪中使用。这种巧克力棒因此被命名为“格尔曼的甜巧克力”。19世纪50年代末期,这种蛋糕的制作方法首次刊登在达拉斯的一家报纸上,并迅速流传开来。格尔曼烘焙的这款蛋糕一时间销量大增,并以他的名字命名为“German Chocolate Cake”——也就是今天的德式巧克力蛋糕。

9.Baked Alaska


The Baked Alaska dessert was actually invented in New York City, most likely in 1868—the same year the US purchased Alaska from Russia. Charles Ranhofer, the chef who named it, called it Baked Alaska to cash in on the fame of the recently completed deal. It was considered a luxury at the time, since making ice cream in the 1860s was a laborious process and wasn't yet mechanized.
事实上,火焰冰激凌(英译Baked Alaska,Alaska意为阿拉斯加,美国州名)源自纽约,据说产生于1868年,也就是美国政府向俄罗斯购买阿拉斯加州的那一年。厨师查尔斯·瑞奥弗(Charles Ranhofer)给冰激凌起名为火焰冰激凌(Baked Alaska),目的就在于利用人们对这一事件的关注来获利。在19世纪60年代,冰激凌的制作还尚未实现机械化,其过程耗时而费力,因而这款甜品在当时被人们看作是奢侈品。

8.French Dip


The French dip sandwich, perhaps unsurprisingly, isn't from France. It was invented at Phillipe's in Los Angeles, in 1918. The first sandwich of its kind came about by accident. The restaurant's namesake, Phillipe Mathieu, was making a sandwich for a police officer when he accidentally dropped the roll into hot oil. The officer (supposedly named French) bought it anyway. He loved it so much that he returned the next day with his friends and they all ordered their rolls dipped in oil. Another restaurant in the area, Cole's Pacific Electric Buffet, also claim the invention of the French dip. In their version, they dipped the bread in jus (like au jus) to make it softer for a customer that was on her way back from a dentist's appointment.
经过前面的介绍,你或许已经猜到了,法式蘸汁三明治并非源自法国,而是在1918年,由位于美国洛杉矶的菲利普餐厅最先发明的。与餐厅同名的菲利普·马蒂厄(Philippe Mathieu)在为一位警官制作三明治时,不小心将面包条掉入滚烫的油锅中。不过,这位警官(据说名为弗伦奇,英French,另有“法国的”之意)还是照常买下了它。不料,在品尝过后,弗伦奇非常喜欢这种三明治。第二天,他带着一帮好友又来到这里,大家纷纷点了这种“新做法”制作而成的三明治。同样位于洛杉矶的另一家餐厅——科尔的太平洋电动自助餐,也声称是他们发明了法式蘸汁三明治。据他们所说,一次,为了能让一位刚刚看完牙医的顾客吃到更加松软的面包,餐厅的厨师将面包蘸上酱汁,因而发明了法式蘸汁三明治。

7.Coney Dog


The Coney dog may be attributed to Coney Island, but its true origins lie a few states west: Michigan. Much like the French dip, the exact origin is unknown, as there are three different eateries that claim they invented the iconic dog. All three restaurants are located in Michigan. So there you have it. While we can't be sure of the exact origin, we know it's definitely not from New York.

6.Curry Powder


The curry powder we know today is nothing like the original spice it was supposed to mimic. It was heavily influenced by the British, and in India it isn't even referred to as curry. They call it masala, and there are many different varieties. The curry powder we know best is what the British produced when they tried to replicate the flavors they encountered in traditional Indian cooking. True Indian curry powder is custom-made to accompany whatever food is being prepared.

翻译:冯璐 来源:前十网
