There are plenty of different ways to protect your car from theft, but one owner of a Volkswagen Transporter van decided to protect it in a novel way – by covering the new vehicle in rust-like vinyl to make it look like a hunk of junk!
咱都知道要给汽车防盗的方法有很多。但是,一位大众T型车的车主却想到了一个神奇的办法 ——给车身贴上了生锈图案的乙烯膜,让车看起来如同一堆废铁。
The artwork for the vinyl wrap, done by Clyde’s Wraps in Glasgow, involved taking exact measurements of the entire van。
这一件乙烯膜作品来自格拉斯哥(苏格兰最大城市)的Clyde’s Wraps工作室。制作这样一副贴膜需要对整体车身进行测量。
This allowed their artists to realistically model rust as if it had been formed by water running down from the vehicle’s handles, mirrors and frames。
“It only took 3 days for the police to pull him over to ask what was going on with all the rust,” Clyde’s Wraps write on their website. “Please note that there is nothing illegal about going to town with graphics on your vehicle but it may confuse others!”
“车子上路后仅仅3天时间,警察就在路上把车拦了下来,询问这车子为何锈迹斑斑。” Clyde’s Wraps的官网上这样写道。“请注意,在车身上放一些图案不违法,但是的确会对他人形成一定的困扰。”
That’s true, but in this case, it seems like that was exactly the point – and it worked!
这个说法没错。但在这件事上,却恰恰达到了目的 —— 真的起到了迷惑作用!