6 Things to Do When You Make a Mistake at Work
We all make mistakes. It's part of life. It can be hard to move through a time or situation where you've fumbled, but it's really important to recover and handle your mistakes in a positive way. Here are some tips.
1. Keep in mind that everyone is watching how you respond to this.
Real leaders earn their stripes during tough times. This is an opportunity to show others what you're made of. Handle your mistake like a pro, and you could actually turn this mess into a good thing for you professionally.
2. Forgive yourself.
2.学会原谅自己 。
Perfectionism is running rampant these days, but as much as people think it's great to strive to achieve the ideal outcome in every situation, a tendency toward perfectionism is not a good thing. Forgive yourself. We all make mistakes sometimes.
3. Take responsibility for it.
3.对自己犯下的错误负责 。
Don't shed tears or beg for forgiveness – hold your head high and be okay with the fact that you messed up, but at the same time, own it. Your boss will respect you for it.
4. Don't blame others, even if they're partially to blame.
You shouldn't take responsibility for things you didn't do, but it's never a good idea to throw someone else under the bus either. Just concentrate on your part in this. Be clear and specific, but don't bring other people into it.
5. Fix it yourself.
5.独立弥补错误 。
Carry out the hard work of correcting the error yourself as much as possible. Minimizing the impact and the inconvenience of your foible will go a long way toward letting the whole thing blow over and becoming nothing more than a bad, distant memory.
6. Model the way you'd like others to respond.
Once you've done everything you can to own the problem and correct it, it's time to let it go and move on. If you appear to have done just that, others will likely follow your lead. Your energy and attitude will be infectious.
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