Austerity bites: central London's 1 cafe enjoying a healthy start
Office workers are queueing up for lunch at a new cafe tucked away in a corner of Fitzrovia in central London - where all food items cost 1.From avocado and chicken baguettes to pots of curied chickpeas, quinoa salad or pesto pasta with roast beef, Caffix cafe on Newman Street sells food for a fraction of the price that they would normally spend in the heart of capital.A sandwich board outside reads: “Porridge, yoghurt pots, pastries, great coffee. always”. Orange and black business cards, stacked by the straws and sachets of sugar in the cafe, are printed with the phrase “Join the revolution”.By lunchtime, food on the chilled shelves – with black, chalkboard-style “Fixed price” and “Every item 1” signs – was running low and in need of restocking, as samba music played through the cafe’s speakers.
午餐时间,伦敦中心费兹罗维亚一角挤满了前来排队的上班族 。那里有一家店面所有的食品都只售一英镑 。从鳄梨和鸡肉夹馅的法国长棍面包到卷曲鹰嘴豆,藜麦色拉与香蒜酱口味烤牛肉意大利面,这些食品在纽曼大街的一家名为Caffix咖啡馆出售的价格仅是伦敦日常卖价的一少部分 。三明治的黑板上写有:“粥,酸奶,糕点,极品咖啡,长期1英镑 ”.在稻草和糖包的咖啡店里,橙色和黑色的名片上印有“加入这次革命” 。正如午餐时间桑巴音乐播放通过咖啡馆的扬声器播放的,冷冻货架上的写有“固定价格”和“每一项1英镑”的标语数量不足,急需补充 。
The baking and cooking is all done on the premises by staff working in the kitchen below. This includes a range of artisanal cakes, three of which are baked with almond and polenta rather than flour.Sitting on the bench outside the cafe, drinking coffee, Melvyna Mumunie, 24, who works at a nearby office, said she had found out about Caffix through social media.She said: “It’s hard to find a flat white which is not too hot and at a perfect temperature. It’s great that this coffee is half the price than usual. Also when you see a something new, because of its small portions, you can have a bit of everything.”
烘焙和烹饪全由厨房工作的职工提前做好 。其中包括一系列手工蛋糕,其中的三个没有使用面粉而是用杏仁和玉米烘焙的 。24岁的麦维娜缪缪妮在咖啡店外的长椅上喝着咖啡,她在附近工作,谈到caffix时她说是从社交媒体上发现的 。 她说:“寻求温度上不太热而理想的平衡这是很困难的 。而这种咖啡非常好仅是平时价格的一半 。当你看到一个新的东西,仅因为它的其中的一小部分,你便可以得到很多东西 。”
Melissa Saeediani, 28, said she had bought a quinoa salad and egg pot for . “Two pounds for a salad is great. I usually pay something like 6 for a salad at Pret, so I’m really happy.”
28岁的梅丽莎塞蒂亚妮说她用2英镑买了沙拉和鸡蛋 。“2英镑的沙拉太棒了 。因为我通常在普莱特支付类似6英镑买沙拉,所以我很高兴 。”
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