Cameron puts corruption on G7 agenda after Fifa bribery scandal
David Cameron is preparing to warn fellow world leaders at the two-day G7 summit that starts in Germany on Sunday that the Fifa bribery scandal must be a trigger for international action against corruption. The prime minister will criticize what he will call a widespread “taboo” in pointing the finger at corrupt institutions, and will say the Fifa scandal has shown how focusing on an organization can provide the impetus for cleaning-up operations.
周日德国展开的为期两天的七国峰会(G7)上,戴维.卡梅伦准备对其他世界领导人发出警告,称继国际足联贿赂丑闻之后,反腐败的国际行为也应启动 。卡梅隆首相公开指责腐败的机构批评存在的一种普遍的“禁忌”,提到如何建立组织为清理行动提供动力 。
In the last fortnight we have seen the stark truth about Fifa. The body governing football has faced appalling allegations that suggests it is absolutely riddled with corruption. And Blatter’s resignation this week presents an opportunity to clean up the game we love.“ It is also an opportunity to learn a broader lesson about tackling corruption,” he will say. Cameron’s intervention comes amid fears that the US investigation that has led to 47 racketeering charges against 18 football officials could lead to international tensions, with a Russia-led coalition ranged against the west. The FBI is looking into the awarding of the 2018 World Cup to Russia and the 2022 tournament to Qatar.
在过去的两个星期里我们已经看到了国际足联赤裸裸的真相 。足球管理部门充斥着对腐败可怕的指控 。本周布拉特和的辞职为我们喜爱的足球运动提供了一个清理的机会 。“这同时对解决腐败吸取教训也是一个机会,”他说 。美国调查已涉入47件诈骗指控案件,涉足18名足球官员,这可能导致国际紧张局势,同时俄罗斯领导联盟对抗西方也在虎视眈眈,卡梅隆于此时提出干预政策 。联邦调查局现今正在调查2018年世界杯和2022年由俄罗斯和卡塔尔主办世界杯颁奖 。
Before meetings with Barack Obama, Angela Merkel and other major country leaders, Cameron will say: “Corruption is the arch-enemy of democracy and development.” At international summits, leaders meet to talk about aid, economic growth and how to keep our people safe. But we just don’t talk enough about corruption. This has got to change. We have to show some of the same courage that exposed Fifa and break the taboo on talking about corruption.Corruption is the cancer at the heart of so many of the problems we face around the world today. It doesn’t just threaten our prosperity, it also undermines our security.”
在与巴拉克.奥巴马(Barack Obama)、德国总理安格拉.默克尔(Angela Merkel)和其他主要国家领导人会晤之前,卡梅伦说:“腐败是民主与发展的大敌 。峰会上,各国领导人会晤谈论外援救助,经济增长以及如何保证人民的安全(这些问题) 。但我们并不谈论腐败问题 。这种(情况)必须改变 。我们必须表现出面对国际足联腐败问题时同样的勇气,打破禁忌谈论腐败 。腐败是我们现今世界面临的很多问题的核心,它不仅威胁到我们的繁荣,也削弱了我们的安全 。”
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