If you've seen the summer box office hit, “Jurassic World,’’ you know that it is a sensitive portrayal of the essence of zookeeping thinly veiled as a blockbuster action film set in a theme park of genetically engineered dinosaurs.
如果你已经看过夏季票房的热门影片《侏罗纪世界》(Jurassic World),想必知道它表面上是一部以转基因恐龙主题公园为背景的动作大片,其实却很容易看出来,它对动物驯养的本质进行了细腻描述。
Or maybe you don’t. But there is little doubt that the movie has struck a chord with members of the zookeeping tribe, who have flooded the Internet with photographs of themselves reenacting a scene involving the lead actor, Chris Pratt, and the three velociraptors with whom his character shares an uneasy bond.
你也可能看不出这点。但它明显引起了不少动物饲养员们的共鸣,他们在网络上大量发布自己重现电影场景的照片,模仿的是男主角扮演者克里斯·普拉特(Chris Pratt)和三只迅猛龙在一起的一幕。这一角色在电影中和迅猛龙建立了情感纽带,但他们的相处并不总是一帆风顺。
The character, Owen Grady, is an animal expert who has – sort of – trained the vicious dinosaurs by interacting with them. Yet as he says to one of the many humans who don't seem to really get his raptors, “It's not about control. It's a relationship based on respect."
男主角欧文·格雷迪(Owen Grady)是一名动物专家,他通过与生性凶猛的恐龙互动,算是训练了它们。但是就像他跟一个不懂这些迅猛龙的人(这样的人有不少)所说的,“这跟控制无关,它是基于尊重而建立起来的一种关系。”
In one memorable scene, Mr. Pratt stretches out his arms, lion-tamer-like, managing to keep them at bay so that a newbie feeder who had fallen into their cage could escape unharmed.
The homages circulating under the #JurassicZoo and #JurassicZookeeper hashtags are on one level tongue-in-cheek nods to the relative risk of handling dinosaurs famous for mauling human prey and, say, otters.
“Thanks @prattprattpratt for teaching us how to wrangle our ferocious red pandas,’’ read the caption on a picture tweeted by the Elmwood Park Zoo in Norristown, Pa., depicting a keeper striking the same pose as three reddish cuddleballs eye him quizzically.
“感谢普拉特(@prattprattpratt)教会我们如何管教我们这儿的凶猛的小熊猫,”这是宾夕法尼亚州诺里斯顿镇(Norristown)的埃尔姆伍德公园动物园(Elmwood Park Zoo)在Twitter上发布的一张照片的说明文字,拍摄对象的是一名饲养员和三只红棕色小毛球,它们用疑惑的眼神看着他。
But zookeeper enthusiasm for the meme, which blossomed first on a Facebook group for keepers, appears to be rooted in the genuine delight of seeing the under-appreciated challenge of caring for zoo animals reflected in Mr. Pratt’s balancing act.
“It’s such an iconic moment for zookeepers, when you see that character establish a connection with those animals – that’s a big part of our life,’’ said Rick Schwartz, a zookeeper at the San Diego Zoo. “You can’t just go in there and boss things around, animals don’t work that way.’’
“看到电影主角和那些动物们建立起联系,对动物饲养员来说是一个标志性时刻,因为那是我们生活中很重要的一部分,”圣地亚哥动物园的饲养员里克·施瓦茨(Rick Schwartz)说。“你不能就那么走进笼子,然后发号施令,动物们可不吃那一套。”
He said he hopes that the public’s embrace of #JurassicZoo will help correct a common misconception of zookeeping as a kind of 1930s circus act, complete with whips. Or at least show people that they have a sense of humor.
For a movie that blissfully ignores the scientific consensus that dinosaurs were feathered, it may come as no surprise that the authenticity of its animal-trainer ethos ends when Mr. Pratt agrees to round up his raptors to hunt down the blood-thirsty Indominus Rex marauding through the park. “We wouldn’t go running after another animal with our animals,’’ noted Mr. Schwartz. “After that, everything is very Hollywood.’’
对于这样一部乐得忽略科学共识的电影(恐龙是有羽毛的),你可能不会感到诧异,当其中出现普拉特召集他的迅猛龙去追捕嗜血成性、在公园里四处猎食的混合基因恐龙“暴虐霸王龙”(Indominus Rex)的场景时,相关动物驯养理念的真实性也就烟消云散了。“我们不会利用动物追捕其他动物,”施瓦茨表示。“从这儿开始,所有的一切就变得非常好莱坞了。”