1. Tomato Ketchup
Everyone would probably think that tomato ketchup would originate from the US, and they'd be right. The first recipe popped up in 1801 in the 'Sugar House Book', an American publication. What's interesting about our favourite condiment, however, is that ketchup was based on an older recipe.
Its original name is 'kê-tsiap' and it started in 17th Century China. While it has a name similar to the bottle of red stuff we shamelessly apply to everything, the actual sauce itself was made up of fish brine and spices. The Dutch and English would end up taking a few bottles back home with them, well-loved due to its ability to keep for large amounts of time, a key trait that sailors and travelers appreciated when stocking their larders. The sauce saw a lot of remixes on the original recipe - including a moment in time where mushrooms where a primary ingredient - before the tomato variation was devised.
它 起初的名字是"kê-tsiap"(有研究认为英文中ketchup(番茄酱)一词源自于中文的ke-tsiap,来自闽南话,原指腌制鱼类产生的卤汁, 烹饪时用于调味--译者注),起源于17世纪的中国。尽管它的名字很像我们往各种食物上洒的红色调料,但实际的调味汁本身却是由鱼露和香料制成。荷兰人和 英国人最后就带了几瓶回家,这种酱汁得到厚爱,因为它能够保存很长时间,水手和旅行者很喜欢将其储存在食品室里。在最初的食谱中,这种酱汁由很多种材料混 合而成--最早的原料中还曾一度包含了蘑菇--后来才发明出了以番茄为原料的变种。