2. Pizza
Any time anyone mentions the dish, the image of black-haired, rotund Italian chefs kissing their fingers comes to mind. The 'traditional' image of the dish consisting of bread, tomatoes and cheese did, in fact, originate from Naples. The food was easy to make with little cost, and was regarded as something that the poor could eat to keep themselves going. It contained cheese, tomatoes and basil - very similar to the kind we consume today. The idea of placing food on top of flatbread, however, dates before the Italian invention.
任何时候想起这个食物,人们脑海中就会浮现出黑头发圆滚滚的意大利厨师亲吻自己手指的画面。这款食物包含着面包、土豆和奶酪的"传统"形象实际上起源于那不 勒斯(意大利西南部港市--译者注)。这种食物容易制作,成本低,被认为是穷人也能吃得起的东西。 它包括奶酪、土豆和罗勒(调味品--译者注)-- 与我们今天食用的很相似。但是,将食物铺在面饼上的主意最早由意大利人发明。
A lot of cultures - including the Romans and the Egyptians - came up with the concept of meal on top of flatbread, but the Persians were the first recorded case. When King Darius the Great ruled the Persian Empire, it is thought that his soldiers baked flatbreads on their shields, and added cheese and dates for flavouring. Ordering Dominos while in enemy territory just isn't ideal.
很 多文化--包括罗马与埃及--都给这种面饼上面的食物下过定义,但波斯人最先进行了记录。在大流士一世统治波斯帝国的时候(波斯帝国是公元前6世纪兴起于 伊朗高原西部的奴隶制国家,大流士一世是其第三代君主--译者注),他的士兵就在盾牌上烤制面饼,并添加上奶酪和枣椰子调味。在敌人领地里要求吃上达美乐 披萨可不太现实。(达美乐比萨,是一家国际的比萨饼外送餐厅连锁店,总部在美国密歇根州的安娜堡,于1960年由汤姆·莫纳根创立--译者注)