《老友记》幕后的10件轶事 (3):片头的拍摄地不是纽约
日期:2015-06-26 17:28


The Opening Credits Weren’t Shot in New York


The Friends opening was not filmed in New York
The opening credits to Friends may be as iconic as the show itself. With the feel-good 90’s track I’ll Be There For You by The Rembrandts playing in the background (which was actually co-written by Friends’ creators Marta Kauffman and David Crane), we see the entire cast dancing with umbrellas in a fountain that appears to be in New York City—just as I finished writing that sentence, I realized how weird that concept sounds but somehow they made it work. Apparently, the scene was never shot in a park in New York City, but on a Warner Bros. lot. Go figure. According to IMDB, the whole thing took place during a 4 a.m. shoot where the water was kept warm via a heated pump.
《老友记》的片头与这部剧本身一样经典——伴着伦勃朗乐队(The Rembrandts)那首《I’ll Be There For You》的悦耳旋律(这是一首九十年代的歌曲,由《老友记》的鼻祖玛尔塔·考夫曼(Marta Kauffman)和大卫·克拉尼(David Crane)共同创作),剧中主角时而撑伞、时而在纽约的某个喷泉中共舞的画面映入眼帘。就在我写下这句话时,忽然意识到“在纽约的喷泉跳舞”这一点有些诡异,但制作出来的效果还不错。那座喷泉看似是在纽约的某个公园,其实是在华纳兄弟的摄影棚。你就想嘛,据互联网电影资料库(IMDB)的资料显示,这个场景是在清晨4点时拍的,连水都是靠加热泵保温,肯定不是纽约啊!


Oh well. I still love the credits all the same and—to this day—can’t pass a fountain without the urge to have a splashy dance party in it. That would probably have me arrested, though, so I’ll continue to resist. While we’re on the subject of splashy dance parties, however, I’d like to note that an unexpected Hollywood honcho seems to enjoy engaging in them himself—and his said splashy dance party lines up perfect with the Friends theme song.
Coincidence? I think not. Check out a mashup of Kanye West splashing around in a lake in Armenia with The Rembrandts’ “I’ll Be There For You” playing in the background here.
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有人说是巧合?不见得吧,不信你把《I’ll Be There For You》这首歌与坎耶·韦斯特(Kanye West,美国歌手)在亚美尼亚的湖中戏水的场景混搭在一起看看。
