The Greek prime minister Alexis Tsipras has spent his short time in office pursuing a financial settlement for his embattled country. It is therefore disappointing to hear him tell parliament that the real negotiations are only now beginning.
上任以来的短短时间里,希腊总理亚历克西斯•齐普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)一直在寻求为他陷入困境的国家达成财务和解方案。因此,听到齐普拉斯向希腊国会表示真正的谈判才刚刚开始,是一件令人失望的事情。
If the theatrics of the past half year were merely a warm-up, they have not been without cost. The Greek economy is weaker, and its financial position more imperilled, than when Mr Tsipras’s Syriza party came to power.
Worse, clumsy negotiation by Mr Tsipras and Yanis Varoufakis, his finance minister, has blown their meagre stock of political goodwill to no apparent end. Greece was not friendless six months ago: there was considerable sympathy for Syriza’s critique of the austerity programme. This has now been supplanted by exasperation. Formerly friendly voices now muse openly about how Europe can happily tolerate Greece leaving the euro.
更糟糕的是,齐普拉斯和希腊财长亚尼斯•瓦鲁法基斯(Yanis Varoufakis)拙劣的谈判,使他们积攒的稀薄的政治善意没能达成什么明确结果。6个月前,希腊并非没有朋友:对于激进左翼联盟党对紧缩计划的控诉,当时外界予以了相当多的同情。但这种情绪现在已被愤怒取代。过去发出友好声音的人,现在开始公开议论欧洲该如何愉快地忍受希腊离开欧元区。