Alibaba is making a big bet on online video, with the rollout of a content service in China aimed at enticing people to pay a monthly subscription in a market where most programming is accessed for free.
But if the Chinese ecommerce group can make the model work, analysts and competitors say it could transform a sector that is haemorrhaging cash amid a bidding war among companies for top content.
Alibaba’s new offering is called Tmall Box Office, a service the group said would be similar to Netflix, the US streaming service that has yet to receive a license to operate in China, and HBO, the pay-television network.
阿里巴巴的新服务名为Tmall Box Office(以下简称TBO)。该集团表示,TBO将与美国流媒体服务Netflix和美国付费电视网HBO类似。目前,Netflix尚未拿到在华运营的牌照。
It plans to launch the new offering in two months, according to Liu Chunning, president of the group’s digital entertainment unit.
Mr Liu said at the weekend that while Tmall Box Office will offer some shows for free, most will be behind a subscription wall.
Charging for content should help online video make money: most of China’s video sites, based on a YouTube-style model funded primarily by advertising, lose money thanks to skyrocketing prices for the online syndication rights for top shows such as Voice of China and I’m the Singer — variety shows that are huge draws both on TV and online.
对内容收费应该有助于在线视频业务实现盈利:由于顶级节目在线发行权的价格急剧上涨,中国多数视频网站(这些网站以YouTube模式运作,主要收入来自广告)都在赔钱。这些顶级节目包括《中国好声音》(Voice of China)和《我是歌手》(I'm a Singer)等才艺秀,它们无论在电视上还是在网上都有巨大的吸引力。
But with audiences starting to wean themselves off pirated content in favour of licenced videos funded by advertising, some analysts fear it might be too soon to ask Chinese audiences to pay subscription prices to boost revenues.
Luo Lan, from Analysys Enfodesk, a Beijing-based internet consultancy, said the case for a subscription-based service has yet to be proven.
北京互联网咨询公司易观智库(Analysys Enfodesk)的罗兰表示,推行付费制服务的理由还有待验证。
“Chinese viewers have very little motivation to pay for content online, and the advertising model is not efficient in bringing profit. It is hard to say whether or not it will be a success, but at least it is a path worth exploring,” she said. “It really depends on the quality of the content and the user experience.”
Other analysts concur that quality of the content, rather than the nature of how it is accessed, is the differentiating factor.