This week was so hectic, I desperately wanted to sleep in this morning but Shawna called bright and early,insisting that I go shopping with her. I am flat broke these days, but she is very persistent when she wants something badly enough.
But I had one condition--I made her promise not let me buy anything. I'm saving up for a summer vacaion and can't afford to spend any money these days!
Anyway, Shawna and I had a fabulous day together. We used to hang out all the time, but it's been awhile since we have spent any quality time together, just the two of us. And I didn't even spend a dime!
I fell in love with a gorgeous jacket and considered using my credit card, but Shawna was true to her word and made me just walk away. It was actually a lot easier that I expected to spend all day at the mall and not buy anything. But I definitely prefer shopping when I can buy things.