职场英语日记 第17期:男人真奇怪
日期:2015-06-27 16:33


Jen called to ask if I had a good time at her dinner party. She also wanted to know my impression of Sean. I told her that I think he is a realy attractive guy, but all his talk about money and cars bored me to tears.


He seemed a little arrogant and self- absorbed. Jen said that Sean wanted to ask me out but I felt so early. Weird. He never once asked anything about me, so I assumed he wasn't interested in me, either.



Jen laughed and told me that's just the way men are--they only ever want to talk about themselves. She thought it was hilarious because Sean said one of the reasons he liked me is that he thinks I am was a really good listener.


Of course, I was a good listener! I never had a chance to talk! I laughed, too, but I don't realy think that's cool. Who wants to date a guy who only cares about himself? Not me.

