For better weight control, fiber up!
The latest trick to fighting obesity isn't a focus on eating less fat or sugar (although that would probably help): It's eating more fiber. And not just any kind of fiber. It should be the fermentable type. Microbes in the gut chow down on this type of fiber. As they break it down, they release a chemical that moves to the brain. There it curbs appetite.
Researchers at Imperial College London, in England, say their study is the first to link eating fiber to the brain hormones that help you feel full. They published their findings April 29 in Nature Communications.
Scientists have known that obese people tend to eat foods low in dietary fiber. At some level, that made sense. Fermentable fiber - fiber that is broken down by gut microbes - makes people feel full after eating somewhat less. Such fiber is found in fruits, vegetables, oats and barley.
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, our paleolithic ancestors ate nearly 100 grams of fermentable fiber each day, says Gary Frost. He's a dietician who led the new study. Today, people's diets are very different. We eat only 10 to 20 grams of all types of fiber each day. Most comes from whole-grain wheat and bran. Those types do not break down in the gut, Frost notes. Modern diets also are full of convenience foods, such as snacks and frozen dinners. These tend to be high in fat and sugar. Add in our couch-potato lifestyle and it's a recipe for obesity.
新研究领导者兼营养学家Gary Frost称几十万年以前,我们的旧石器时代祖先每天吃掉近100克的发酵纤维,而今天人们的饮食较之从前大有改变
Eating more fermentable fiber reduces the risk of becoming overweight or obese. But until the new study, exactly how the fiber did that was unclear.