What is a virus?
Influenza. Ebola. The common cold. HIV/AIDS. Measles.
Viruses cause these diseases - and many more. Some are serious. Others, not so much. For better or worse, viruses are part of life.
It surprises many people to learn that viruses "live" in us but aren't technically alive. Viruses can replicate only inside the cells of their host. A host can be an animal, plant, bacterium or fungus.
Viruses are sometimes confused with another family of germs: bacteria. But viruses are much, much smaller. Think of a virus as a tiny package jacketed in a protein covering. Inside is either DNA or RNA. Each molecule serves as an instruction book. Its genetic information provides instructions that tell a cell what to make and when to make it.
When a virus infects a cell, it sends that cell a simple message: Make more viruses.
In that sense, this virus is a hijacker. It breaks into a cell. Then it makes the cell do its bidding. Eventually, that host cell dies, spewing new viruses to attack more cells. That is how viruses sicken a host.
(By the way, a computer virus isn't a real virus. It's a type of software, meaning computer instructions. Like a real virus, however, a computer virus can infect - and even hijack - its host computer.)
The body can rid itself of many viruses on its own. Other viruses may present too big a challenge. Medicines to treat viruses exist. Called antivirals, they work in different ways. Some, for example, block the entry of a virus into a host cell. Others interrupt the virus as it attempts to copy itself.
In general, viruses can be hard to treat. That's because they live inside your cells, which shelter them from medicines. (It's also important to note that antibiotics don't work on viruses.)