This week America’s corporate world passed a milestone. The value of deals in US-bound mergers and acquisitions amounted to $243bn in May, according to Dealogic — a monthly record. The previous monthly peaks were in May 2007 and January 2000, when deals worth respectively $226bn and $213bn were struck.
Meanwhile, so far this year, $1.85tn deals have been done globally; if this continues 2015’s total could top the annual record of $4.6tn deals s in 2007.
What should policy makers and investors conclude? If you want to be optimistic, you might see this as a welcome return of animal spirits. In the immediate aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, corporate executives were so scarred — and scared — that their priority was to cut corporate debt and costs. But now the C-suite feels more ambitious. And what is particularly striking is that the current M&A frenzy is affecting not just one industry, as during the tech boom, but a wide range, including retail, oil, pharma and tech.
But there is a second, darker interpretation of this trend: namely that the western financial system is drowning in excess cash and credit. History suggests such a scenario rarely ends well. After all, the crucial point about the two previous M&A peaks is that they coincided with equity and credit bubbles. Shortly afterwards, those bubbles burst — with painful consequences.
Moreover, the backdrop to the current M&A flurry is unnerving. Since the 2008 crisis American corporate profits have surged to record levels: Goldman Sachs, for example, calculates that margins for the S&P 500 (excluding financials and utilities) are about 9 per cent. In normal circumstances, that should have sparked a corporate investment boom; indeed, this is what policy makers have been desperately hoping to see.
此外,当前并购热潮的背景令人不安。自2008年金融危机以来,美国企业利润飙升至创纪录的水平:例如,高盛(Goldman Sachs)估计,(不包括金融和公用事业企业在内的)标普500成分股企业的利润率大约为9%。在正常情况下,这理应引发企业投资热潮,实际上,这也是政策制定者一直渴望看到的。
But that has not occurred. On the contrary, investment as a proportion of operating cash flow has actually fallen from 29 per cent to 23 per cent in the past five years, Goldman says, apparently because companies are gloomy about the growth outlook.
This means they need to find other uses for their cash. Many have poured money into share buybacks: S&P 500 companies spent a record $133bn on buybacks in April this year, BlackRock says. They are paying hefty dividends, too. Indeed, analysts project that combined outlays on dividends and buybacks will exceed $1,000bn this year in America, more than expected spending on operations and research.
But, unsurprisingly, money is flooding into M&A deals, too, as executives seek eye-catching ways to show they are earning their salaries.
Some bankers argue that this is not a bad tactic; or not compared to the other dismal options. “In our view, acquisitions — particularly in the form of stock deals — represent a more compelling strategic use of cash than buybacks given the current stretched valuation of US equities,” says David Kostin of Goldman Sachs in a note to clients.
一些银行家辩称,这种策略并不坏,至少不比其他一些糟糕选择更坏。高盛的戴维•科斯京(David Kostin)在一份写给客户的报告中表示:“在我们看来,鉴于美国股市当前估值过高,把资金用于收购——尤其是以股票协议的形式收购——比用于回购更具战略说服力。”
The problem for policy makers is that this burst of M&A enthusiasm is unlikely to deliver much of an economic boost. Nor will it offer much long-term value for shareholders, judging by what happened in 2000 and 2007. And what is doubly unnerving is that, while the M&A drive was initially funded by excess cash and stock, it now seems to be more debt-fuelled too. This week, for example, Dealogic also revealed that corporate bond issuance in 2015 has hit a record level of $543.4bn. That has pushed the investment grade debt-to-equity ratio to 85 per cent, compared with 72 per cent in 2010.
The M&A bankers who are orchestrating this activity insist that 2015 will be different from 2000 or 2007. Chief executives have learnt the right lessons from history and are chasing only those acquisitions that make strategic sense — or so the argument goes. Separately, some policy observers argue that this M&A fever will naturally cool down later in the year as the prospect of a US interest rate rise draws closer. And who knows? If economic growth continues, companies may eventually start to embrace investment with the same gusto they currently embrace M&A or buybacks.
But do not bet on that happening. The more likely outcome is that, when future historians look back to May 2015, this $243bn record will be viewed as a portent of an overinflated financial world. This is an era when quantitative easing is making the owners of assets rich — not to mention boosting the wealth of M&A advisers. But it has not convinced companies to believe in a vibrant economic outlook, or not enough to invest. And that is worrying indeed.