Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
General information
Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(SUPT)is a state key and research oriented university with information technology and telecommunications as its main feature. it offers a wide range of subjects including engineering,management,humanities and sciences,and mostof its subjects and disciplines are related to applied science and engineering.Directly administered by the Ministry of education BUPT is one of the first group of universities that were listed in the‘“Project 211 Universities.Founded in 1955,BUPT was originally named Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications. It was the first insiilute of higher learning for teaching and research in the fields of posts and telecommunications
BUPT enjoys a nationwide reputation for innovation and excellence in advanced resear ch and learning in information and communication technology. It serves as one of the most important teaching and research bases for information technology and telecommunication industry in China.
北京邮电大学在信息与通信技术领域的创新和科研在全国享有盛誉,是我国信息技术和电信业的重要教学科研基地·北京邮电大学位于高校林立的北京市海淀中关村高科技开发区,环境幽雅 交通方便。
The university,covering an area of 46 hectares,is located in haidian Development Zone of Haidian District,where most key institutions of higher learning care gathered,with a quiet and attractive environment.BUPT offers 36 undergraduate programs,4 t postgraduate programs,two professional degrees--MBA and Master of engineering,14 doctoral programs and 4 post-doctorate stations in first-level disciplines. SUPT has 4 state key disciplines and 1 state key laboratory.There are over 230 professors and 426 associate professors among the total of 1066 faculty members,135 of them are state experts enjoying government special allowance and expecially Professor Ye Peida,senior academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS),Professor Zhou Jiongpan,academician of the Chinese Academy of the Engineering(CAE),Professor Chen Junliang,academician of both CAS and CAE and Professor Xu Daxiong,academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kirgizstan who are in the forefront of the outstanding professors.Currently
学校占地面积46公顷,学校现有36个本科专业,41个硕士专业,理硕士和工程硕士)14个博士专业和4个一国家级重点学科,一个国家级重点实验室两类专业学位硕士点(NIBA工商管级学科博士后流动站。学校有4个学校有教职员工1 065人,其中教授230人,副教授426人,其中135名享受政府特殊津贴的国家级专家,以及以中国科学院院士叶培大教授中国工程院院士周炯架教授、两院院士陈俊亮教授、吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国国家科学院外籍院士徐大雄教授为代表的一批高水平的博士生导师和学科带头人组成的学术梯队。
BUPT has over 16200 full-time students and 12000 long-distance and E-learning students,among full-time students there are 10800 undergraduate students,4650 master students and 805 doctoral students.BUPT Library was established in 1955 with a floor space of about 13 000 square meters. BUPT's library houses 970 000 books,more than 3000 kinds of periodicals dominated by those on posts telecommunications&electronics. It has a relatively complete collection of world-famous books&periodicals on telecommunications,which can be rated as the first class in China.
学校有各类全日制在校生16200余人,远程教育及函授生12000余人。在校生中包括本科生10 800人,硕士生4 650人,博士生805人。北邮图书馆始建于1955年,建筑面积13 000平方米。现有馆藏书刊97万册,邮政、电信、电子方面的各类期刊3 000千余种,几乎涵盖了电信领域的全球知名图书和期刊,是全国最大的邮电通信专业性图书馆。
And BUPT is one of ten universitiesthat took part in the initiation construction of“China Education and Research Network"(CERNET) in 1994. It also look part in the demonstrating project of the CERNET2,a model project of the next-generation Internet(NGI),which adopts the pure Ipv6 protocol. BUPT is a CERNET model project of campus network.As a result of the development in the past over 40 years,SUPT has made great progress. The general goal of the university is to build itself into a state-class and world-renowned research-orientated state key university of multi-disciplines in the field of information.
北京邮电大学是1994年创建 中国教育和科研讨一算机网”( CERNET)的十所大学之一,也是全国第二代中国教育和科研计算机网(CERNET2)主干网的核心节点之一,学校的计算机校园网是CERNET示范工程。经过40多年的发展,北邮取得了巨大的成绩。学校的总体建设目标是建成信息领域国内一流、国际著名的多科性、研究型、开放式的全国重点大学。
Glorious History
In 1955,BUPT was founded and was originally named Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications. It was directly administered by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.
In 1959 and 1960,Beijing College of Telecommunications and Scientific Universifiy of Posts and Telecommunications merged into Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications.
In 1993,authorized by the State Education Commission,Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications was renamed Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
In 1998 BUPT became one of the first group of 61 universities admitted to“Project 211
In 2000 BUPT was directly administered by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications during the adjustment of universities and colleges.