5. Reuben Kulakofsky Or Arnold Reuben
Most people agree that a Reuben sandwich includes rye bread, corned beef, Swiss cheese, and sauerkraut—but who was Reuben? There are two common claims.
One claim is that Reuben was Reuben Kulakofsky (or Kolakofsky), a grocer from Omaha, Nebraska. Apparently, he devised the sandwich for late-night poker players at the Blackstone Hotel. That claim seems unlikely, since Kulakofsky was Jewish and it wouldn't be kosher to mix beef and cheese, but maybe it was a joke?
第一种说法是,罗宾这个名字来自罗宾·卡拉库弗斯基(Reuben Kulakofsky)。罗宾是内布拉斯加州奥哈马市的一个杂货店主,他发明这种三明治是为了给在黑石头酒店里的玩夜场扑克牌的玩家提供宵夜。然而,这个说法看起来并不那么可信。因为卡拉库弗斯基是犹太教徒,但将牛肉和芝士搭配在一起不符合犹太教的教规。因此,这看起来更像是个笑话。
The second common claim is that the Reuben sandwich originated at the now-defunct Reuben's (or Reuben's Restaurant), a deli in New York City named after its founder, Arnold Reuben. In fact, that claim has several variations. The most common one says that actress Anna Seelos came into the deli after her nightly performance. She asked for a sandwich and got one with rye bread, baked Virginia ham, roast turkey, Swiss cheese, coleslaw, and Reuben's special Russian dressing. That version was known as the “Reuben Special,” and the Reuben sandwich was a variation that came later.
Unfortunately, there are no known reliable records to establish which claim is true.
4. Clara “Tootsie” Hirshfield
Tootsie Rolls are marketed as “the iconic treat that offers a perfectly-balanced cocoa taste, lined with a subtle, fruit-flavored undertone.” (This scribbler would describe them as an individually-wrapped mini-log, not-quite caramel and not-quite chocolate and which he was not-quite happy to get for Halloween.)
Would you believe that Tootsie Roll Industries Inc., the maker of Tootsie Rolls, is a publicly traded company which booked about US$540 million in revenue in 2013? The company was founded in 1896 by Leo Hirshfield, an Austrian immigrant to the United States. Tootsie Rolls were their first product, but over time they developed many others (for example, the Tootsie Pop, a lollipop). They also acquired many other confectionery brands, including Dubble Bubble and Junior Mints.
看到这,你会相信杜丝巧克力糖果公司是一个财政记录在案的2013年收入是5亿4千万美元的上市公司吗?这个公司是里奥·赫斯菲尔德在1896从澳大利亚移民到美国时创办的。杜丝巧克力糖是他公司的第一款产品,但没过多久他们就生产了很多其他的产品(例如:Tootsie Pop夹心棒棒糖).而且他们还并购了包括大大泡泡糖(Dubble Bubble),薄荷糖组合(Junior Mints)在内的其他甜食品牌。
Why were they called Tootsie Rolls? In the late 1800s, the word “tootsie” was slang for “girl” or “sweetheart.” The official story is that Leo Hirshfield named Tootsie Rolls after his daughter Clara, who went by the nickname “Tootsie.”
可是为什么会叫做Tootsie Rolls呢?这要从18世界晚期说起了,在那时“tootsie”是“女孩”或者“甜心”的代称。官方的解释是里奥·赫斯菲尔德给女儿克拉拉起名为Tootsie Rolls,之后便用Tootsie Rolls作为其公司的名字。
3. Luisa Tetrazzini
3.Luisa Tetrazzini
Luisa Tetrazzini was an internationally-famous Italian soprano in the early 20th century, known for her strong high notes and her mastery of runs, trills, and staccati. At one point, a contract dispute caused performance hang-ups in New York, so she declared: “I will sing in San Francisco if I have to sing there in the streets, for I know the streets of San Francisco are free.” The papers loved it, and on Christmas Eve 1910, she appeared on a stage at the corner of San Francisco's Market and Kearney to serenade a crowd of some 250,000 people.
Luisa Tetrazzini是20世纪早期享有国际声誉的一名意大利女高音歌唱家,她以其雄厚有力的高音以及对于急唱、颤音和断音的精湛演绎而享誉世界。她曾经因在纽约表演陷入了一项合同纠纷,于是发表声明说:“如果有一天我不得不在街道上唱歌,我会选择在旧金山的街道唱歌,那是因为旧金山是一个自由的城市”。在1910年的平安夜,伴随着可尼的小夜曲的音乐,Luisa Tetrazzini出现在旧金山一个商场的舞台中央,吸引了25万多人聚集在此只为欣赏她美妙的歌声。
It was common for chefs to name new dishes after famous people, and one chef decided to name his after Tetrazzini. The recipe varies but usually includes fowl or seafood, mushrooms, almonds, and a white cheese sauce. Vegetables are often added, and it's typically served atop pasta. But who was the chef? Was it Mr. Pavani, the chef at the Knickerbocker Hotel in New York City? Was it legendary French chef George Auguste Escoffier? Or was it Ernest Arbogast, the chef at the Palace in San Francisco? Alas, nobody knows.
对于厨师来说,以一位名人的名字命名一道新菜品是最正常不过了。于是就有一名厨师将他的一道新菜品命名为Tetrazzini。尽管菜谱五花八门,但是这道菜无论怎么做都有肉或者海产品,蘑菇,杏仁和白奶酪调味汁。当然蔬菜也是这道菜的主打,这是传统的意大利面的做法。那么到底是哪位厨师首创的这道菜呢?是纽约荷兰酒店的帕瓦尼主厨(Mr. Pavani)?还是传奇的法国厨师乔治·奥古斯特·埃斯科菲埃(George Auguste Escoffier)?或者是旧金山王室主厨欧内斯特·阿博加斯特(Ernest Arbogast)?遗憾的是,无人知晓。
2. John McIntosh
John McIntosh was a farmer in what is now South Dundas, about 100 km (60 mi) south of Ottawa, Canada. Sometime after 1811, either he or his son Allan discovered several apple seedlings while clearing land. Those seedlings were transplanted, and one in particular produced fruit of immense quality. The skin was red and green, the fruit was tart, and it was suitable for both eating and cooking.
约翰·麦金托什(John Mclntosh)是个来自加拿大渥太华南部100公里左右的农民,也就是今天的南邓达斯(South Dundas)。1811年之后的某个时候,他或他的儿子在清理田地时发现了几颗苹果树苗。然后他们就移植了这些树苗,其中的一株树苗长大之后还结出非常多的果实。它们的果皮或红或绿,果子味酸,既适合直接食用也适合烹饪。
Allan learned grafting around 1835 and used it to clone the precious tree. He and his brother Sandy promoted the resulting fruit as the “McIntosh Red.” However, the McIntosh's popularity didn't take off until the 20th century. One reason was that McIntosh apple trees are highly susceptible to a disease called apple scab. Once effective fungicides were invented, apple scab became less of a problem. The McIntosh apple is still popular, but has now been eclipsed by the Red Delicious, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, and Fuji.
1. Ruth Cleveland Or Babe Ruth
The Baby Ruth is an American candy bar made with peanuts, caramel, and nougat. It's almost what you'd get if you took an Oh Henry! bar and turned the fudge into nougat.
鲁斯宝贝(Baby Ruth)是一种由花生、焦糖和牛轧糖制成的美国糖块。一块“鲁斯宝贝”相当于用一个Oh Henry! 棒棒糖才能将软糖变为牛轧糖。
When the Curtiss Candy Company introduced the Baby Ruth bar in 1921, many people assumed its name was a reference to Babe Ruth, the star baseball player. Curtiss claimed that their candy bar was named after Ruth Cleveland, the daughter of President Grover Cleveland. Uh huh.
当柯蒂斯糖果公司于1921年将“鲁斯宝贝”引进美国时,许多人误以为它的名字是取自于一个棒球球员贝比鲁斯(Babe Ruth)。但是柯蒂斯却宣称他们的糖果名字取自格罗弗克利夫兰(Grover Cleveland)总统的女儿,鲁斯克利夫兰(Ruth Cleveland)。呵呵。
Ruth Cleveland had died at age 12 in 1904. By 1921, she'd been dead for 17 years. Her father was also old news, having passed away in 1908. Babe Ruth, on the other hand, was a household name in 1921, not only for his baseball talents, but also for his reckless lifestyle off the field. When people noted these facts, Curtiss stood by their Ruth Cleveland story. They never had to pay royalties to Babe Ruth.
鲁斯克利夫兰(Ruth Cleveland)死于1904年,享年12岁。直到1921年,她已经去世了17年。她的父亲于1908年离开了人世,同样也已成往事了。在另一方面,贝比鲁斯(Babe Ruth)在1921年同样是一个家喻户晓的名字,不仅是因为他的棒球天赋,还因为他在场下鲁莽的生活作风。人们在注意到这些事实时,柯蒂斯糖果公司始终坚称自己的糖果名取自鲁斯克利夫兰(Ruth Cleveand),他们从不对贝比鲁斯(Babe Ruth)支付任何版权使用费。
What's the official story today? The Baby Ruth brand is now owned by Nestle. When your humble researcher went to their Baby Ruth page, he found no explanation of the name whatsoever (unlike their page about Oh Henry!).
今天官方的说法是什么呢?“鲁斯宝贝”这个品牌现在由雀巢拥有。当谦逊的研究者们进入雀巢网站上鲁斯宝贝(Baby Ruth)的网页,他无论如何都找不到关于它名字的由来。(不同于他们页面上对于Oh Henry!的介绍)