Shenzhen-listed Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprises has warned it won't be able to fully repay a 590m yuan ($95m) bond, which comes due on May 28.
在深圳上市的珠海中富实业股份有限公司(Zhuhai Zhongfu Enterprises,简称“珠海中富”)警告称,将无力偿还5月28日到期的5.9亿元人民币(合9500万美元)的债券。
The company, which makes bottles for Coca-Cola Co and PepsiCo in China, said it can only repay 148m ($23.9m) of the principal amount, but says it plans to pay all the 31.15m yuan of interest, the company said in a statement to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on Monday, Bloomberg reported.
Trading in the bottler's shares were suspended at the end of April, but the stock had still risen 125.7 per cent in the year to that point. In other words, it had been outpacing its own benchmark up until that point, despite the looming likelihood of defaulting on its debt. The Shenzhen Composite has doubled in value this year.
Should it miss Thursday's payment, Zhuhai Zhongfu will join a small but growing list of Chinese companies to have defaulted on their debt. Last month, Baoding Tianwei Group, a power-transformer maker, became the first state-owned company to default on its domestic debt. Cloud Live Technology Group defaulted on its domestic debt last month, but it is a private-sector company, as is Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology, which defaulted on its debt payments last year.
如果周四不能偿还全部本金,珠海中富将进入一个数量日益增多的中国违约企业名单。上月,变压器生产商保定天威集团(Baoding Tianwei Group)成为中国首家债务违约的国有企业。上月违约的还有中科云网(Cloud Live Technology Group),但该公司跟去年违约的上海的超日太阳(Shanghai Chaori Solar Energy Science & Technology)一样,是一家民营企业。
Kaisa Group became the first Chinese developer to default in the offshore market, missing a payment on its US currency debt.
佳兆业(Kaisa Group)是中国境内首家违约的地产开发商,违约对象是一笔美元债务。