“It scares me.”
“I know it’s a little scary,” I said, grabbing onto that loose thread of hope. “But you’ll learn English so fast and you’ll get used to--”
“That’s not what I mean. That scares me too, but...
“But what?”
He rolled toward me again. Drew his knees up. “What if you get tired of me? What if your wife doesn’t like me?”
I struggled out of bed and crossed the space between us. I sat beside him. “I won’t ever get tired of you, Sohrab,” I said. “Not ever. That’s a promise. You’re my nephew, remember? And Soraya jan, she’s a very kind woman. Trust me, she’s going to love you. I promise that too.” I chanced something. Reached down and took his hand. He tightened up a little but let me hold it.
“I don’t want to go to another orphanage,” he said.
“I won’t ever let that happen. I promise you that.” I cupped his hand in both of mine. “Come home with me.”
His tears were soaking the pillow. He didn’t say anything for a long time. Then his hand squeezed mine back. And he nodded. He nodded. THE CONNECTION WENT THROUGH on the fourth try. The phone rang three times before she picked it up. “Hello?” It was 7:30 in the evening in Islamabad, roughly about the same time in the morning in California. That meant Soraya had been up for an hour, getting ready for school.
“It’s me,” I said. I was sitting on my bed, watching Sohrab sleep.
“Amir!” she almost screamed. “Are you okay? Where are you?”
“I’m in Pakistan.”
他泪水浸湿了枕头,很长很久默不作声。然后他把手抽回去,点点头。他点头了。拨到第四次,电话终于接通了。铃声响了三次,她接起电话。“喂?”当时在伊斯兰堡是晚上 7点半,加利福尼亚那边差不多是早晨这个时间。那意味着索拉雅已经起床一个小时了,在为去上课做准备。