日期:2015-05-13 12:29


Rwanda may be landlocked in central Africa and saddled with prohibitive energy costs, but it has become the latest beneficiary of a quest by Chinese manufacturers to find competitive margins as wages rise at home.
Candy Ma, a 40 year-old Chinese industrialist, has hired 200 trainee workers at her government-built factory in the east African country, and this month she invited buyers from Walmart, H&M and Tesco to inspect the facility.
在这个东非国家,40岁的中国实业家Candy Ma(见上图)刚刚在她由政府建起的新工厂里雇了200名实习工人,这个月,她邀请了沃尔玛(Walmart)、H&M和特易购(Tesco)的进货商前来参观工厂。

She plans to export 30,000 T-shirts a month — enough for an initial $10m in first-year sales — and expects to expand tenfold to 2,000 workers next year.
Her investment underscores a rising trend. The Chinese, often blamed for des­troying African industry by flooding the continent with cheap goods that undercut local markets, are now at the forefront of foreign manufacturers expanding their footprint in it. Chinese factory owners, driven by a strengthening renminbi and rising salaries at home, are relocating to secure more competitive margins.
The World Bank says China is set to lose 85m manufacturing jobs in the next decade. While most Chinese companies are looking closer to home in Southeast Asia, more far-flung countries are also beginning to benefit.
世界银行(World Bank)表示,未来十年中国将失去8500个制造业岗位。尽管大多数中国企业将目光投向离本土更近的东南亚,但一些更遥远的国家也开始获益于这股趋势。
One of the main attractions of African countries is their preferential trade agreements with the US and Europe, which mean that finished products, such as textiles, avoid import duties of up to 30 per cent.
Chinese manufacturers such as Ms Ma have also been impressed by the example of Huajian Shoes, the first Chinese plant to relocate to Ethiopia in 2012 and which is to expand its workforce to 30,000 as part of a $2bn investment.
Candy这样的中国制造商也受到了华坚制鞋(Huajian Shoes)这个榜样的鼓舞。2012年,华坚在中国企业中率先迁往埃塞俄比亚,眼下它计划将雇员人数增加到3万人,作为一个20亿美元投资计划的一部分。
“Every country has its own comparative advantage; you just need to find it,” says Helen Hai, the former factory executive who pioneered Huajian’s move and who has since become a champion for industry in Africa.
曾担任华坚集团高管的海宇(Helen Hai)表示:“每个国家都有自己的比较优势,你需要的只是找到它们。”海宇率先带领华坚走向非洲,自那以后成为非洲纺织业的领军人物。
The two are friends. Ms Ma met Ms Hai on a research trip to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital, and last year visited Rwanda at her suggestion. Ms Ma even named her company C&H Garments after the two of them — Candy and Helen.
Candy和海宇两人是朋友。Candy在去埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴考察途中认识了海宇,并在后者的建议下于去年去了卢旺达。Candy的公司C&H Garments甚至也是以两人名字命名的——Candy和Helen。
Ms Ma believes the advantages of Rwanda’s business-savvy government, the cheap, disciplined labour force and ready-made factory space outweigh transport and other logistical challenges. “I feel this country is special . . . and I like a challenging job,” says Ms Ma, who visited Rwanda for the first time last year.
Although Rwandan labour costs are about 10 per cent higher than in Ethiopia, they are still roughly half those of Kenya — where Ms Ma also has a textiles factory for higher-end products — and, crucially, she says it offers disciplined workers who are quick to learn.
“In two days these people [in Rwanda] are already understanding how to use the [sewing] machines . . . next week my standard can come to exporters’ standard,” she says, handling a freshly made khaki-coloured children’s polo shirt.
Rwanda, which earns only $600m a year from exports and runs a 17.2 per cent trade deficit, offers hefty tax concessions and other support in an effort to boost foreign currency earnings.
“Rwanda has amazing leadership, otherwise I wouldn’t take [Ms Ma] to Rwanda and also she would not make the decision,” says Ms Hai of President Paul Kagame, who has faced criticism for his human rights record.
海宇在谈到卢旺达总统保罗•卡加梅(Paul Kagame)时表示:“卢旺达的领导人非常棒,否则我也不会建议Candy去卢旺达,她也不会做出在卢旺达投资的决定。”卡加梅曾因人权纪录而遭受抨击。
Ms Ma’s light and airy factory, in Kigali, the capital, is located in a new government-backed special economic zone, which offers reliable power and water, good road links and land. These can be tough to access elsewhere. Only three exporters, including Ms Ma, have located to phase one of the zone, which houses 61 units. She does not expect to be alone for long. “More will come.”
