12. China's Number One Bridge
12. 中国第一桥一赵州桥
Zhaozhou Bridge has a novel structure meters and beautiful shape. It is 50.82 meters long and 9.6 meters wide, with a Span of 37.37 meter. It is a one arch bridge consisting of 28 independent arches. At each shoulder of the big arc there are two small round arcs used to help drain flood water, reduce the weight of the bridge and save some stone. It is a pioneering work in the history of bridge construction. On the parapet of the bridge, there are various delicate and vivid pictures and designs. Structurally speaking, the bow-shape big arc and the small round arcs on the shoulder make the bridge look light despite its bulk body and give you the feeling that it is about to fly away. Its outline is very strong but gentle, stable but vivid, magnificent and meaningful. The sculpture of a dragon head on the top of the main arc and the Yangtianshi at the side of the bridge in the shape of a nine-petal lily expresses the wish that the bridge will be spare from the damage of floods and lasting forever safely.
Ever since the song Dynasty,there was a prevailing myth of lu Ban building the bridge, and people honor li Chun "saint". The legend says in ancient time, the river Jiao was always full of rolling waves in summer and autumn, and often flooded t during which people who lived by the river could not cross it even when they had emergencies. At regular time they crossed the river in a ferry, but it was very inconvenient. One night, the moon was brightly shining, lu Ban, the father of craftsmanship, drove a herd of white sheep to the bank of the river, and suddenly ail of them were converted into all kinds of stones. lu Ban wielded his hammer and started to work. By dawn, a grand stone bridge, in the faint rays of the dawning sun, had stretched over the Jiao River. This good news caused a sensation. People ran around spreading the news, even the world af immortals knew about it. Zhang Guolao, one of the "eight gods", was very surprised to hear that. He made an appointment with Prince Chai to test the bridge. As itwent, Zhang Guolao, riding his donkey, went in front, in a bag on the back of the donkey were the sun and the moon; Prince Chai followed him pushing a handicart with the five great mountains of China in it. As they advanced to the middle, the bridge began to shake under the pressure, and looked like if was about to be crushed. Grasping the peril, lu Ban plunged into the river and proped up the bridge with his hand. Only by his effort could the bridge survive. On the surface the bridge, there are some deep footprints left over by the donkey when it was exerting; as the handicart was too heavy, there was a deep rut too; prince Chai left a knee mark on the bridge when he slipped because of over exertion. Beneath the bridge, lu Ban left a big hand print when he tried to prop up the bridge. This is how these marks on the bridge come from.
Zhaozhou Bridge has a deep influence on the construction of Bridge in our country. Yongtong Bridge, located outside the west gate of the capital of Zhao Country on more than five kilometers away from it, is an example. Yongtong Bridge is also called "small stone bridge", stretching over Qingshui River. Built during Cahangnian year of the Jin Dynasty(1190-1195), it has a completely the same structure and formation as that over the An'ji River. It, too, is a single whole arc bridge, with a length of 32 meters,a span of 26 meters and a width of 6.3 meters, consisting of 20 single arches standing side by side. The carves on the parapet are exquisite. There is a popular saying among native people: "Have honor for the big stone bridges,and apprectiate beauty of the small stone bridge. " That is to say,from the big stone bridge, we can learn that it has made a great contribution to the history of bridge construction,and from the small bridge, we can appreciate the exquisite decoration. Legend has it that the night when Lu Ban was building the big stone bridge, his sister, Lu Jiang, was building the small stone bridge. They competed with each other and agreed to finish their work in one night. Lu Jiang was not as skilled as her brother, and was forced to imitate her brother's work The day was about to dawn,yet she was not at all finished. Fortunately, she got helps from a god, and beat her brother. Some part of the bridge was even more beautiful than the big bridge. Another legend says that this bridge was built by Lu Ban's second pupil Yongcong, so it was named Yongcong Bridge. As time went by, there were slips of mouths about "Yongcong" and "Yongtong",and it was called Yongtong Bridge in the end.
赵州桥对我国桥梁建筑影响深远。坐落在赵县城西门外、与其相距不足五里之遥的永通桥便是一例。永通桥又称"小石桥横跨清水河上。建于金代明昌年间 (1190 -1195),与安济桥结构形式完全一样,亦为单孔石拱桥,全长 32米,跨度 26米,宽 6.3米,由 20道并列的单拱构成。桥上栏板雕刻精美,当地老百姓中流传着一种说法大石桥看功劳,小石桥看花草。"意思是说,大石桥看的是对世界桥梁史的贡献,小石桥看的是精美的装饰。俗传鲁班修大石桥时,其妹鲁姜修小石桥,兄妹争胜,限一夜完工;鲁姜技艺不如鲁班,只得处处模仿大石桥,天将拂晓,工犹未竣,幸得天神暗中相助,妹竟胜兄,且若干部分较大桥为优美。另有民间传说,此桥为鲁班的二徒弟永聪所造,因而小石桥名永聪桥,年代久了,人们叫溜了口,叫成了"永通桥"。