Cyber security start-ups raised more than $1bn for the first time in a single quarter as investors bet on them benefiting after several high profile attacks by hackers on large companies.
Venture capital firms including Andreessen Horowitz and Kleiner Perkins, as well as VC arms of banks and technology companies, are pouring money into the sector as they anticipate rapid growth in cyber security budgets.
由于预期网络安全预算会迅猛增长,包括安德森•霍洛维茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz)和凯鹏华盈(Kleiner Perkins)在内的风投公司、以及各银行和高科技企业的风投部门,正向该行业大举投资。
Demand for these services are expected to soar after high levels of publicity for recent attacks on big companies from Sony Pictures to Home Depot.
在索尼影视娱乐(Sony Pictures)和家得宝(Home Depot)等大企业近期遭遇网络攻击,并被舆论高调曝光后,对网络安全服务的需求预计会出现激增。
Funding for cyber security companies hit $1.02bn in the first quarter, up from $540m for the first three months of last year and almost double the same period of 2014, according to data from private company research firm PrivCo.
This came on top of an already buoyant 2014, in which security start-ups hit $2.3bn in funding, up more than a third from the year before. Four years ago, total annual funding was less than $1bn.
Sam Hamadeh, chief executive of PrivCo, said the record levels of funding were spurred by ramped up corporate spending and predictions that smartphone security was becoming a serious problem for companies whose employees deal in sensitive data from their mobiles.
PrivCo首席执行官山姆•哈马登(Sam Hamadeh)表示,根据预测,对于那些员工用手机处理敏感数据的企业来说,智能手机的安全正成为一个严重问题,这项预测加上企业增加相关支出,推动着网络安全行业的筹资规模达到创纪录水平。