A Chinese rabbit called Tuzki is winning the hearts of young adults across Asia and reaping riches in merchandise deals for his owners.
Cartoon character Tuzki (pronoun¬ced Tuts-ki), is exceptional, and not just because of his groovy dance moves. It is rare for a Chinese brand to prosper in the international market. Even more unusually, this success has been achieved without any active promotion.
Tuzki was designed by Momo Wang, a Beijing artist, in 2006, with China’s millennials — now in their 20s and 30s — in mind. The rabbit has become the default emoticon on WeChat, the messaging platform operated by Tencent, China’s social network and gaming powerhouse. The brand has piggybacked on WeChat’s success, migrating to other countries as WeChat users in China communicate with contacts overseas.
“He has spread via the Chinese diaspora and is starting to filter through to the wider community,” says Yat Siu, founder and chief executive of Outblaze, a digital media company in Hong Kong. In 2008, Outblaze established a joint venture with Turner Entertainment, which had bought the rights to Tuzki; TurnOut Ventures now owns and manages Tuzki.
香港数字化媒体公司网炫(Outblaze)创始人兼首席执行官萧逸(Yat Siu)表示:“兔斯基在海外华人中不断扩散,并开始向更大范围的人群渗透。”2008年,网炫与已经买下兔斯基专营权的透纳娱乐(Turner Entertainment)成立了一家合资公司。这家名为TurnOut Ventures的合资公司目前持有并管理着兔斯基品牌。
When users send texts on WeChat, they can opt to add Tuzki — in the form of a mini-animation — to the message. Tuzki swings his hips, makes a “talk to the hand” motion, weeps as he waves goodbye, turns his ears into flickering birthday candles, blows kisses and hops into bed. His only facial features are the eyes but with his spindly limbs and decisive movements, he is remarkably expressive. The lively rabbit represents a significant upgrade to the more familiar, less dynamic, smiley faces offered by other messaging services.
TurnOut has made a number of lucrative licensing deals for Tuzki in China, where the rabbit features on everything from bedcovers to mobile phone cases, and is expanding its business across Asia and beyond. Within China, the number of Tuzki licensees tripled between 2012 and 2014, Mr Siu says, although he declines to give any financial details.
Companies as diverse as Motorola and KFC have co-opted Tuzki for promotional campaigns. “We’ve been surprised by the breadth of his appeal. I think Tuzki has this mysterious power of being something for everyone, in a highly individualised way,” says Mr Siu.
The first country Tuzki colonised outside China was South Korea. In 2012 Kakao Talk, the messaging app used by more than 90 per cent of smartphone owners in South Korea, adopted Tuzki as a paid-for emoticon, turning him into a household name. TurnOut Ventures struck licensing deals there, swiftly followed by deals in Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
韩国是兔斯基走出中国进军海外的第一站。2012年,Kakao Talk将兔斯基选入付费表情,令他成为家喻户晓的名字。Kakao Talk是一款消息应用,为韩国90%以上的智能手机用户所使用。继韩国就兔斯基与TurnOut达成授权使用协议之后,日本、泰国、香港和台湾也紧随其后。
As Tuzki’s virtual territory grows, TurnOut is receiving licensing requests from further afield. Last year it negotiated a deal with a bag company in Spain, but for the most part TurnOut does not yet have the capacity to handle contracts outside Asia.
“Our infrastructure hasn’t kept pace with the growth of the brand,” says Mr Siu, “but we’re tracking Tuzki’s pro¬gress though his Facebook page with a view to monetising his popularity. He has a lot of fans in the US and Latin America, especially in Mexico, Peru and Brazil where the Asian diaspora are relatively wealthy and perceived as trend setters”. In Europe, he adds, there is growing interest in Spain and Italy. “Italy’s not a typical Chinese diaspora market, but there’s a lot of interest in Asian design there.”
A recent deal with Facebook, which offers Tuzki stickers on its messaging service, is expected to expand the rabbit’s pawprint further.
Mr Siu believes that the enthusiasm for Tuzki reflects wider cultural shifts. “Tuzki shows us that millennials in China have more in common with their overseas counterparts than we might assume,” he says. “Young people of different nationalities share certain values, and cultural boundaries are becoming messy.”